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Pursuit of Health

Wellness, general

Health Focus – Is Stem Cell Therapy OK?

Paul is an open-minded person when it comes to health care options. Recently he was approached to look at the benefits of Stem Cell Therapy. They claimed in fact everyone can benefit from a “World First scientifically proven Stem Cell Enhancement that supports our body’s Natural Mobilization of Stem Cell via Nutrition, that in turn supports self renewal and self-healing.” Sounds like a sales pitch and it is. But wow! Who wouldn’t want that? If you liked this post, say…

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Wellness, general

Wellness Focus – Food Combining

Food Combining Chart

Most of us want to eat a balanced diet but unfortunately we think that in order to get a balanced diet we need to eat every meal with all the food groups included; that is some protein, some carbohydrates, some vegetables and some fruits. Not all foods digest at the same Ph so some food may be incorrectly combined together when eaten and therefore interfere with ideal digestion. Eating these together results in improper digestion and can cause obesity, bloating, gas, Hiatal Hernia,…

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Wellness, general

Wellness focus – Gadgets disturb proper sleep

Christian is a typical socially active teenager. In today’s world that means he is now a “screenager” who spends an average of 6 – 7 hours per day looking or interacting with a technological gadget with a screen: a TV, a computer, a tablet, a cell phone, a video game. Of growing concern is the newer social media habits of leaving their gadgets turned on during the night and repeatedly having their sleep interrupted by incoming messages, tweets, etc. Sleep…

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Chiropractic Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Maintenance or Preventive Care?

Preventive Care

Once a person has consulted with a chiropractor and underwent a course of care that has taken them out of pain, the common question people have is: “When will I know if or when I need to return to the chiropractor?” That is an excellent question and the choices depend on your personal philosophy of life and health. If you only seek out chiropractic care for emergency drug-free pain relief and have no interest what-so-ever in prevention, then the answer…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

Nutritional Supplements

The Wellings live in a major urban center and unfortunately their city is one of the most polluted cities on the planet (no joke). Normally, if a person lives right with healthy food and regular exercise habits it is reasonable to expect that they can get by without having to take food supplements to stay healthy. That is not the case when a family lives where they are exposed to daily pollution. There are three reasons why we almost all need…

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Product Review Wellness, general

Biguerlai Slimming Tea

Diets Don't Work

Mary heard from a friend how she lost 10 lbs quickly by drinking a slimming tea. Who wouldn’t want to do that? So several days later Mary starts to suffer allergic and gastrointestinal symptoms. She really wanted to reach her goal so she overlooked the body’s warning signs and continued another week on the slimming tea. She had to be rushed to emergency for severe headaches, muscle and abdominal pains. Turns out she was dehydrated and had lost minerals that…

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Fitness Health Wellness, general

True Healing is Cellular

Cell biology

Ever notice how a plant heals after a storm, how the broken leaves are not repaired but discarded and replaced with a new healthy leaf? Our bodies heal much in the same way. Cells within the human body have different life spans based on the type and function of the cell. They can live anywhere from a few hours or days to a year to a lifetime. A red blood cell lives up to 120 days, skin cells live a couple…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Health is Inconvenient

David was telling me that as a senior he is realizing how much of what he suffers at this age is really the result of his poor attitude toward taking care of himself when he was younger. Ah, the benefits of wisdom as we get older! These are moments when lolo’s (grandpa’s) stories help us reflect on how well are we taking care of ourselves today and hopefully with the future in mind. Truth is we often easily discard our health by…

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Fitness Health Spinal Health Wellness, general

Massages That Go Wrong

Painfull massage

There are well understood benefits of getting a massage on a regular or irregular basis. However, we also hear of times when people experience pain and disability following a massage. What happened? As a chiropractor I see this often enough to be disturbed even though I can mostly fix the damages. Rarely do we hear of an adverse reaction to a massage when the therapist sticks to muscle manipulation only. Swedish massage uses effleurage (light touch), medium pressure motions over the muscles and…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Wellness is Personal

P – personal and individual planning & execution E – effort is required to “normalize” weight and keep it off R – reasonable, achievable goals are required S – self-discipline is at the center of lifestyle transformation O – optimal health is achievable in most cases N – natural choices are always better A – addictions need to be overcome L – lifetime pursuit (not a quick fix) Warning… Taking any drug for symptomatic or maintenance reasons is NOT healthcare but just disease…

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