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Wellness, general

Chiropractic Wellness, general

Gadget Apps and Posture Co-morbidities

Gadget Apps and Posture Co-morbidities A recent sampling of a group of young people in their twenties confirmed what I feared could happen and it is happening. Posture problems are getting worse and affecting an even larger percentage of the population, especially the children. What’s behind it? What could be having such a broad-based negative influence on so many people? If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Metabolic Syndrome Stage 2 Vs Stage 3

Metabolic Syndrome Stage 2 Vs Stage 3 This is session 3 of 3 that we are writing on a series introducing a health focus concept revolving around the term or state of the body’s metabolic status otherwise referred to as Metabolic Syndrome (MSy). There are 5 stages to MSy and we will contrast Stage 2 and 3 this week to conclude the series. We advise you to read the previous blogs on Stage 0 Vs Stage 5 and Stage 1…

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Wellness, general

Metabolic Syndrome Stage 1 Vs Stage 4

Metabolic Syndrome Stage 1 Vs Stage 4 This is session 2 of 3 that we are writing on a series introducing a health focus concept revolving around the state of the body’s metabolic status otherwise referred to as Metabolic Syndrome (MSy). There are 5 stages to MSy and we will contrast Stage 1 and 4 this week, then Stage 2 and 3 next week. Stage 1 – Metabolic Syndrome (Health profile is 8 – 9 out of 10) This state…

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Wellness, general

Metabolic Syndrome: Stage Zero Vs Stage Five

Metabolic Syndrome: Stage Zero Vs Stage Five These next few weeks we are writing on a series introducing a health focus concept revolving around the term or state of the body’s metabolic status otherwise referred to as Metabolic Syndrome (MSy). There are 5 stages to MSy and we will contrast Stage 0 and 5 this week; Stage 1 and 4 next week and Stage 2 and 3 the following week. Stage Zero Metabolic Syndrome (Health profile is 10 out of…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general


Centenarians The National Respect for Centenarians Day is set on September 25 of every year. Effective July 2016, under Republic Act 10868, all Filipinos who reach 100 years of age will receive a P100,000 cash gift and a letter of felicitation from the President of the Philippines, whether they are residing in the Philippines or abroad. They will also be awarded with a plaque of recognition and additional cash gift from their respective city or municipal governments. Why is this an…

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Wellness, general

Art of Chiropractic – Michel Yves Art Gallery

Art of Chiropractic Announcing the Official Opening of Michel Yves Art Gallery, the long awaited and full display of docMIKE’s new media art. The collection consists of a wide and diverse imaginative renderings on archival pigment ink layered on museum quality canvas, under his pseudo artist name of Michel Yves. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Course Corrections in Life

Wellness is the “pursuit of health lost” and at some point in time many people recognize that somewhere in life they got off course and they are unhappy with where they are. That is understandable yet it seems they get stuck in making lasting changes and keep ending up where they are, again. The reason is that they have not properly assessed where they were, where they are and finally where they see that they should be. To get from…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

Natural or unnatural?

Seeking to replace junk food from our diets requires a little extra effort. Just because something is natural, it may still be unnatural for us to consume. It is said that one person’s food maybe another persons poison. So how do we do the right thing? The best example I can give is to point to nature, those delicate cute beings, those birds that fly about in the trees; ever notice that no matter how many berry trees there are…

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Wellness, general

Alternative Easter Traditions

The celebration of Easter doesn’t have anything to do with a bunny that brings eggs. Easter is a liturgical time of celebration, specifically to acknowledge Christ’s sacrifice and Resurrection. As one of the biggest feast days in the Church, nobody is opposed to letting the kids enjoy some treats. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…

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Chiropractic Wellness, general

Menstrual Cramps and Chiropractic

Menstrual Cramps Waking up in the morning Mary Welling experiences stomach pain and as she gets up from the bed the back hurts. Yes, it’s that time of the month. Menstrual cramps, a horrible but not unfamiliar feeling. You can get it immediately before getting your period, or during. What a lot of women end up doing when this happens is put hot compress, sleep or take a pain reliever. Surprisingly enough, most women don’t know that chiropractic can help with menstrual…

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