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Wellness, general

Chiropractic Spinal Health Wellness, general

Posture Aids

There is a growing public opinion and awareness of the importance of good posture. This is not a new topic discussed here on This author has been quoted as saying: “As the Eyes are the mirror to your Soul, Posture is the mirror to your Health.” Today we can walk into a number of retail stores and find various products being sold that attest to improving one’s posture. Are they really able to do that? Truth is yes and…

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Fitness Health Nutritional Health Wellness, general

The Carbohydrate Flush

Today’s cultural eating habits have been trumped and redesigned by the “Big Food Industry” which consist of the multinational companies that manipulate the world’s markets in food supply and by the growing number of fast food franchises. To speak plainly, consumers have been manipulated, their foods have been manipulated, altered and packaged to best serve to bottom line of Big Foods. One unfortunate side effect of this commercial manipulation is the rapid rise in the occurrence of Type 2 Diabetes.…

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Wellness, general

Fountain of Youth Vs Dieting

The problem we have in searching for the proverbial fountain of youth is that we believe it is to be found in some remote, exotic location somewhere in the bowels of the earth, and that this elusive elixir has magical properties that will instantly restore our health. That is just too much Hollywood for the real world. Don’t you think? Has anyone ever found the true Fountain of Youth? Why is it that no one ever finds it? Well, maybe…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health Nutritional Health Wellness, general

Chiropractic care lowers cancer death rates

In an American study on the impact in communities that have added more doctors, one interesting finding is worth mentioning for this blog community. The more chiropractors were concentrated in a community the greater the improvement for the health outcome reviews, and that comes as no surprise. What is unexpected is that, in comparison to an equal increase in other doctors that had little to no effect on cancer death rates, it was documented that for cancer deaths and increasing…

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Fitness Health Nutritional Health Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Metabolism in Weight Management

Diets create a lose / lose scenario where the glass is constantly seen as half full, of being denied things. When we replace the word Energy in weight management, meaning Energy Management, we are now dealing with a win / win scenario where the glass now becomes half full. Now the goal becomes focused on filling the energy glass vs. constantly trying to empty the glass full of fat. A Radical change in thinking, I will admit to that, but…

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Fitness Health Wellness, general

Heat – Ice – Heat

In an earlier blog we discussed if you should use heat or ice for self-care and for first aid. Believe it or not there are times when you should be BOTH heat and ice. Interesting eh? In general, muscles benefit from increased circulation to heal by applying some heat (not too much) or massaging the muscle. This increases the blood flow to th muscles. Also, when there is a painful joint, the body best benefits from the use of ice, both…

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Chiropractic Wellness, general

Mabuhay 2nd Annual Gala

A special greeting to all our Mabuhay Chiropractic patients. Since last year our clinic has started an annual Patient Appreciation social function. It began in support of the formation of the Chiropractic Patients Federation of Asia (CPFA) – Philippine Chapter. We are doing it again this year and are inviting our most loyal and notable members of society who value what chiropractic has done for them and their families. The 2nd Annual Mabuhay Gala is organised for Saturday, August 1st…

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Wellness, general

Teenage growth

Children undergo natural growth spurts under the timing of their body’s hormonal system and guided under the watchful nervous system. But growth means the body needs more materials to build itself up. Food is where we get these building blocks and by the time the digestive system processes the foods we eat they all break down into Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates, micro-nutrients and water we add to our bodies. You can read other blogs we have written about the sources of…

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Wellness, general

Ergonomics in Action

With so many Call Centers in operation in the Philippines it is not surprising that an industry focused on International telecom service solutions recognizes the need to address repetitive postural stress aspect of their workforce. This week the Philippine College of Science and Technology invited me to present information on Posture and Ergonomics to their students, to their faculty and to the corporate partners in Industry. In the same week I was approached by the makers of BackJoy to work…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health Nutritional Health Personal Coaching Product Review Spinal Health Wellness, general


Happy 2nd Anniversary docMIKE Blog! This month we will reach 160 blogs published for the benefit of our followers. Every month we take note of the different topics asked by our patients and the community at large to plan out which blogs to write that month. Sometimes a different conversation puts one subject ahead of the line and we post that same week. As time goes on we are finding that our chiropractors are now referring to docMIKEblog daily as our patient…

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