The knee is a strangely designed joint, don’t you think? In part that is why so many people suffer from knee pain caused by cartilage and/or ligament deterioration. It is mainly the inflammation these cause that is responsible for the pain; the heat, swelling and pressure, the irritation, etc. Problem is that these conditions can’t just get fixed once and for all. So today I will share a simple but amazingly effective home care procedure anyone can do on their…
Wellness, general
From the cold of Winnipeg, Canada in 1952 where Michel Yves Tetrault was born to simple but community focused parents of humble means and fast forward to today living in the warm and tropical Philippines; Michel would say that’s progress. Throughout the world there are natural healers that come with many labels or names like Mangi-Hilot, Huesseros, traditional bonesetters, etc. who rarely undergo formal training. They undergo esoteric training or apprenticeship but begin with a natural skill, a form of gift. In retrospect, docMIKE fits that description…
We typically ask each other, as a form of greeting: “How are you?” and of course we fully expect a courtesy reply of: “I am fine thank you and you?” It would be uncomfortable if the reply was: “Oh thank you for asking… I am having a terrible day, I was just diagnosed with cancer.” What I am saying is that we too often trivialize health. We minimize the value of our health in such ways and often continue to…
School is just out for most Filipino students and just a few months away for International students here in the Philippines. During the hot summer months families can look into purchasing better school bags for the upcoming school year. I have an online article on Back Pack Safety worth reading. You can download your own copy HERE but in this blog I will give a quick summary. The information is adopted from the American and California Chiropractic Associations. The concern really…
Health is Not an Accident! The amazing thing about health is that it is NOT an accident, but for that matter, neither is sickness an accident. The same can be said about the health of your bank account, right? How about the health of your personal relationships? So why not be as diligent about your health? What’s the immediate take on this statement? The answer is FOCUS! Let me explain. In an earlier blog this week, “Do you ignore or…
What happens to the body when we suffer a hang-over? Large volumes of alcohol, regardless of the beverage of choice, occupy the space in your blood stream normally occupied with water. According to studies, 250 millilitres of an alcoholic beverage causes 800 to 1,000 millilitres of water to be expelled; that’s losing four times as much liquid as gained. This therefore makes you dehydrated and so comes the symptoms of dehydration (thirst, dry mouth, headache, loss of appetite, dry skin, constipation,…
A tripod is a very stable foundation, ask any photographer. Now when it comes to weight loss this concept becomes very important, as explained later, when the focus moves away from just losing weight to normalizing your metabolism and then eventually normalizing your weight. People struggle to lose weight by eating less or exercising more, by drinking herbals or taking medicine or even hormone injections, and lastly even surgery. The focus is placing concern on the weight and not the…
A very common question I hear from patients and people around the community is: “Should I use Heat or Ice?” The best way to answer that is to give it the perspective as a first aid tool and also by explaining the physiology of inflammation. First Aid makes us typically think of bandages and pain medication but there is one First Aid tip that comes up so often that its worth repeating. “USE ICE” and if you are in doubt…
How active are you? When ever we are engaged in physical activities there is a positive health benefit; especially if the activity is repeated to increase skills and eventually personal enjoyment and satisfaction. People eventually suffer a growing list of health problems because they just never get around to developing a physicaly active lifestyle. “Things are the way things are because of the way things have been. Things need proper change for things to get better.” docMIKE Reports state that…
Ever notice how people seem to get fatter with age and that people also become Diabetic after a certain age? If this happens in your family it’s kind of expected that you will follow the same fate. Sadly, this is an entirely volunteer situation. What am I saying? I am saying that it is incorrect to assume that as you get older you just naturally get fatter and sicker. (That should be welcome news!) Researchers have been mentioning for a…