All Posts By

Michel Tetrault

Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Life Coaching Focus – Ethics & Principles

We have a happier life when we live by our Values and Principles. But what exactly do we mean by that? Isn’t good enough that I am an ethical person? Or do the two mean the same thing? Ethics are moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity while Principles are a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning. If you liked this…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Life Coaching Focus – Laws Vs Rules

Rules are made to be broken… Something college students are told as they are invited to challenge the status quo. It is good to engage in this process because as we look at common everyday rules we are expected to follow in society, it gives us the chance to re-evaluate if we are in agreement with the rules imposed on us by our parents, by our church and by our governments. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing…

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Fitness Health Nutritional Health Personal Coaching Wellness, general


Happy 1st Anniversary docMIKE Blog! What is a perfect 10? Well, for me, its being on top of my game. It’s being able to face everyday with the energy I need to care for each patient on an individual basis. As a chiropractor my daily routines are quite physical, realigning spines, and also less physical but quite mental/intellectual in counselling my patients regarding their physical limitations. It is also getting involved with wellness counselling that brings my patients up a…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

5 Essentials – Rating Yourself

This is the 5th part of a 5-part series on the 5 Essentials of Health, presented all week. You are invited to review all four previous blogs then return to this one to wrap it up! See the Intro Video on this topic. So now, rate yourself in each of these five areas on the scale of 1-10 with ten being optimal health. When you have each area rated simply add the total, multiply by two and divide by ten; your…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

5 Essentials – Proper Nutrition

On the scale of one (1) to ten (10) with ten being optimal, rate yourself on how well you are doing your nutrition. RATE: ____ When we think about living a healthier life, the first area we have immediate control over is food. Here one can start to see immediate improvements by making very appropriate choices that have been neglected for some time. See Video on this Topic. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health Nutritional Health Personal Coaching Spinal Health Wellness, general

Wellness focus – Five (5) Essentials of Health

If I was to ask you: “How do you rate your health at this time?“ Your answer could be reasonably accurate or it would be quite awkward to provide a good answer to that question. So, let’s make it easier to be somewhat more accurate in self-assessing your health rating by looking at the five different areas of your health that are required to stay healthy. By healthy I don’t necessarily mean “fit and healthy” or some doctor’s or health writer’s version…

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Personal Coaching

Life Coaching focus – Confrontational tolerance

Confrontational tolerance refers specifically to the ability, willingness or intention to elevate a positive tension in the relationship. One way to put it is: “How many times can you be told ‘no’ before blowing a fuse?” So raising your ability to handle rejection builds confrontational tolerance. However, most people suffer from their “fear of rejection.” If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…

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