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Life Coaching

Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Health is Inconvenient

David was telling me that as a senior he is realizing how much of what he suffers at this age is really the result of his poor attitude toward taking care of himself when he was younger. Ah, the benefits of wisdom as we get older! These are moments when lolo’s (grandpa’s) stories help us reflect on how well are we taking care of ourselves today and hopefully with the future in mind. Truth is we often easily discard our health by…

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Personal Coaching

Wellness Reflections: Strengthening Your Family

Srengthen you family

Family normally provides you with security, safety and supportive acceptance. A form of symbiosis in action that is interdevelopmental. Conflicts generally arise from unfulfilled expectations but there may also be generational aspects of family problems, so the past needs to be resolved to make today workable. Is there a role for prayer here? The right place to start fixing things is by first fixing yourself because there is little success in trying to fix someone else. Building a stong personal…

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Personal Coaching

Wellness Reflections: Boundaries

Boundaries in Relationships

Boundaries are an imaginary line of protection that you draw around you. This is done to protect you, your soul and what’s important to you. Your boundaries are more important to you than they might be to others, or what others might want what you have. You cannot grow without boundaries. However, you can learn how to design, implement and manage boundaries so that the process is effortless for you and for others. Healthy people have set boundaries, both to…

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Personal Coaching

Wellness Reflections: ATTITUDE

Attitude* is formed by three things: 1. Where you’re coming from in general. 2. How you’re looking at or interacting with something, someone, life or yourself. 3. How well you are lined up with Truth, your path, reality, goals, etc. 1. Where you’re coming from in general, so you likely fit into one of these levels: – Life is pretty good, when I do well. – Life’s not bad at all, given what I’m facing. – Listen, I just do…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Wellness is Personal

P – personal and individual planning & execution E – effort is required to “normalize” weight and keep it off R – reasonable, achievable goals are required S – self-discipline is at the center of lifestyle transformation O – optimal health is achievable in most cases N – natural choices are always better A – addictions need to be overcome L – lifetime pursuit (not a quick fix) Warning… Taking any drug for symptomatic or maintenance reasons is NOT healthcare but just disease…

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Personal Coaching

Wellness Reflections: Mid-life Crisis

Mid Life Crisis

Midlife crisis is a term coined in 1965 by Elliott Jaques stating a time where adults come to realize their own mortality and how much time is left in their life, as noted in Wikipedia. Men tend to experience this event at the ages of 40 and 60 and women experience their version at the ages of 30 and 50. For a few people the fear of an impending death approaching sparks this crisis; for most it is actually a…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Wellness Mapping

Here is an interesting health coach / life coaching tool helpful in prognosticating your future health. The purpose of any life coaching tool is to create awareness, and the ensuing impetus to cause someone to make positive changes in their life. Demosthenes proclaimed, “Nothing is easier than self-deceit.” Very often, the future consequences of what you are doing today begins with the fact that you are believing things to be true that are not true. Why do we do that?…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Living a “Balanced” Life

Life is good… until it isn’t. When things happen, especially unexpected things, we are out of our normal order, we are disturbed, feel out of balance and for many these are stressful times. Life is out of balance! What happened? Life was strolling along just fine but then an event took place that takes us “out” of normal order. So life’s experiences tells us that we need to always maintain a balanced life. I agree that life is better when we…

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Personal Coaching

Wellness Reflections: Do You Ignore or Procrastinate Too Much?

It is said that the things that you ignore are the things that you lose in your life. Its true ! You ignore your friends and they disappear. You ignore exercising and your muscles disappear. You ignore your waist line and it too disappears! 😉 lol  You ignore the things that are important and they will vanish simply because your focus is somewhere else and attrition is a natural consequence of the forces of life. Isn’t it time you focused on…

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