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Wellness, general

Wellness, general

Lack of sleep makes the body more vulnerable to infections

Sleep and Immunity

In today’s rolling quarantine we still recognize the importance of keeping a strong immune system. Sharing this article by Andac Hongur 07.12.2020 from ISTANBUL with our readers to remind us of a few good things to always keep in mind. Lack of sleep makes the body more vulnerable to infections. SLEEP, exercise, and stress control are significant factors for a strong immune system, said Turkish scientists recently, warning that sleep deprivation causes vulnerability to infectious diseases. “Get enough sleep so…

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Wellness, general

One God and one history

This week marks the beginning of our 9th year as a community blog. Now for a different share. Science declares that the universe began with a big bang some 13.8 billion years ago and that the universe has been expanding ever since. The billions, trillions and septillions of celestial bodies, stars, planets, and other cosmic entities have been coalescing and otherwise hurling in space and shaping the cosmos that we can now observe and the universe we cannot yet observe.…

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Wellness, general

Covid-19, Six Months Statistics

March 2020 was the official beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic event. We are now in early October, six (6) months into the pandemic, and with six months data there is statistically significant information that we can step out of the box and see the current standing of these various public health policies. We have seen different nations implement various policies on quarantines that range from short term enhanced community quarantines to some more draconian lockdown of its entire borders. These…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Casualness Leads to Casualties… OUCH!

Casualness Leads to Casualties… OUCH! This quote from success guru Jim Rohn really hits the heart as it has important lessons that we can apply to our health. The definition of casual is to occur by chance versus by intent, lacking a high degree of interest or devotion; one of showing little concern, and not treating things seriously. Imagine an assembly line worker treating their job too casually. Arriving late to work delaying the entire assembly line, not wearing proper…

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Chiropractic Wellness, general

Covid-19 herd immunity

Tougher Immunity is the only cure for Covid-19

Covid-19 herd immunity It has been 100 years since the last severe global pandemic and no one is alive who can share their experiences from those days. Without the current WHO policies, they just let the virus play out its existence and allowed the herd immunity response of the world population have its natural effect. It is very likely that our restraints and quarantines of entire populations today is only delaying the inevitable and dragging this pandemic into years. Massive…

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Chiropractic Wellness, general

The Quarantine Crush – Is Your Chair a Death Trap?

The Quarantine Crush – Is Your Chair a Death Trap? It may shock you, but your chair is out to kill you! Due to COVID-19 millions of Filipinos have been quarantined for months. In most cases, staying at home leads to sitting for long periods of time. In our office we recently treated two seniors that before the quarantine carried heavy loads up and down stairs every day. After 6 weeks of quarantine they were not able to even stand…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health Nutritional Health Spinal Health Wellness, general

Healthy people don’t die… If they get infected, they just get healthy again.

Healthy people don’t die… If they get infected, they just get healthy again. Our central theme for Natural Health and Natural Immunity at is simple. Get healthy and stay healthy! Even a healthy person is not always immune to infection. There is no guarantee that they will never have symptoms or even avoid injury for that matter. But a healthy person always gets better. Even in a serious injury when surgery is needed, they are the ones that survived…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Social responsibility VS Social distancing

Social responsibility VS Social distancing Implementation of Quarantine policies are now more of a public health risk then the COVID-19 virus itself at this time in our history, June 1, 2020. Illness from malnutrition and even death from starvation and chronic diseases that are being mismanaged are at risk of becoming the new crisis of the pandemic. Who is fact checking those tragedies and posting them for public consumption? If less then 20,000 out of 110,000,000 people (2% out of…

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Chiropractic Personal Coaching Wellness, general

GET HEALTHY AND STAY HEALTHY… Your life depends on it.

GET HEALTHY AND STAY HEALTHY… Your life depends on it. An important message from docMIKE: “Get healthy and stay healthy! Your life depends on it.” The world  changed when we suffered the Covid-19 world pandemic. Until that time, our role as chiropractors was to help get people out of pain and disability and improve everyone’s abilities, all the way up to improving an Olympic athlete’s peak performance. We helped OFWs that suffered back injuries to stay on the job to…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health Wellness, general

How to set up your home office

How to set up your home office (with good posture and health in mind) We can actually start discussing post-COVID-19 realities. The uncertainties that follow has resulted in many private schools in the Philippines switching to home schooling with electronic classes and cloud assignments. The business world that has successfully switched to telecommuting during this quarantine period may also decide to to have that personnel continue to operate from home and only come to the company offices once a week.…

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