Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics is #1 in the Philippines (1 of 12) Experience Mabuhay today! [Find which of our 13 branches is closest to you, go to: and click on the “Clinic Locations” tab on the top of the home page.] MCC has maintained the superior leadership position of the entire profession in the Philippines. Here is their story and the standards that make MCC the number one provider of chiropractic services and of professional leadership. Reason #1 of 12…
Michel Tetrault
What makes Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics #1 in the Philippines?
Posted on 09/23/2022What makes Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics #1 in the Philippines? Introduction: Chiropractic services have been available off and on in the Philippines since the 1920s but until 1986 there was no permanent clinic established until Jameson Uy graduated from National Chiropractic College and returned to practice in Pasig City immediately after graduation. Since then the profession has grown very slowly. In fact, Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics first started seeing patients in December 2006, 20 years later by Dr. Michel Tetrault, known to…
Things You Can Control as you evolve your "personal philosophy of life." An honest discussion on personal growth.…
The 10 Million Inch Campaign: Anti-bilbil
Posted on 02/18/2022The Philippines needs to lose 100 million inches of belly fat from the pandemic bilbil to prevent the run-away trend into Diabetes type 2…
The Mabuhay Health founding principle is to THINK, EAT and MOVE RIGHT... everything else will follow.…
The pandemic belly bulge, or as said in Filipino "meron pandemic bilbil" has become the new epidemic.…