Wellness, general

Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics is #1 in the Philippines (1 of 12)

Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics is #1 in the Philippines (1 of 12)


Experience Mabuhay today! [Find which of our 13 branches is closest to you, go to: https://www.chiropractic.com.ph and click on the “Clinic Locations” tab on the top of the home page.]

MCC has maintained the superior leadership position of the entire profession in the Philippines. Here is their story and the standards that make MCC the number one provider of chiropractic services and of professional leadership.
Reason #1 of 12



It begins with our Vision. Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics will be distinguished for setting the standards of chiropractic in the Philippines.” This Vision statement can be found proudly framed in every MCC facility. The word Chiropractic, although a household word in Western nations, is not well known in the Philippines, so we searched for just the right word to properly label our special healthcare specialty company. It is why we named the company MABUHAY, meaning “long life” and a Filipino word that is known and understood by everyone in the Philippines.

Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics, Inc. is not a sole proprietorship, but a full Filipino corporation that promises longevity for the good people of this country. When a foreign chiropractor comes to practice in Manila or another city, they eventually leave; even if the few Dr. “so and so” starts a family with a Pinoy spouse and settles in, they eventually retire and the profession shrinks again. Mabuhay replaces every doctor that came and served, enjoying a good life for a time, but the clinic remains in the community serviced by a replacement doctor that takes over the practice again for a time. When Mabuhay establishes a clinic in a community, it’s forever, even if in time the location may be changed nearby, the services remain accessible.

All twelve topics demonstrate the clear leadership of the Mabuhay group of companies in the Chiropractic field, in the Philippines. Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics, Mabuhay Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Clinics, and Mabuhay Health.

  1. Vision, 2. Mission, 3. Largest,       4. Locations,    5. Manpower, 6. Custom care,
  2. Payment plans, 8. People-Centered policies, 9. Health Registries, 10. Research,
  3. Public Health promotion,     12. Annual Mr. & Ms. Posture Pageant Philippines.

The pledge of your support and to become a part of this national movement begins with an appointment with one of the warm and friendly staff and qualified foreign chiropractor Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics has placed in your community or in a community near you.

Experience Mabuhay today and live healthier painless lives.
Call (02) 888-CHIRO (24476)

Yours in Real Life,

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