David was telling me that as a senior he is realizing how much of what he suffers at this age is really the result of his poor attitude toward taking care of himself when he was younger. Ah, the benefits of wisdom as we get older! These are moments when lolo’s (grandpa’s) stories help us reflect on how well are we taking care of ourselves today and hopefully with the future in mind. Truth is we often easily discard our health by…
Michel Tetrault
Family normally provides you with security, safety and supportive acceptance. A form of symbiosis in action that is interdevelopmental. Conflicts generally arise from unfulfilled expectations but there may also be generational aspects of family problems, so the past needs to be resolved to make today workable. Is there a role for prayer here? The right place to start fixing things is by first fixing yourself because there is little success in trying to fix someone else. Building a stong personal…
Masakit ang Balikat! Paul hurt his shoulder while lifting heavy luggage during one of his business trips. Like most men, Paul thought the problem was just a minor thing. You know the expression: “Maybe it will go away.” So months later the shoulder hurt everyday with various activities. Shoulder pain is a common complaint expressed to the Doctor of Chiropractic during a spinal evaluation. Actually there are three categories of shoulder pains: Joint problems Peripheral soft tissue injuries General discomfort or tension…
There are well understood benefits of getting a massage on a regular or irregular basis. However, we also hear of times when people experience pain and disability following a massage. What happened? As a chiropractor I see this often enough to be disturbed even though I can mostly fix the damages. Rarely do we hear of an adverse reaction to a massage when the therapist sticks to muscle manipulation only. Swedish massage uses effleurage (light touch), medium pressure motions over the muscles and…
Anna is a child who typically loves to put things in her mouth, then rub her eyes, so it’s no surprise that she woke up one morning with her little eyes all crusted up from an eye infection. This could also be conjunctivitis, a highly contagious infection, so it needs to be addressed right away. Instead of rushing her off to the pediatrician who could prescribe an antibioti5c, Mary her mother remembered what her CHIROPRACTOR told her of a natural solution about washing or lavaging the…
Forget about Diets! It’s all about Energy Management.
Posted on 05/11/2013Mary was determined to lose the weight she kept for years after having her two children. In fact she was desperate and underwent a well-known Doctor’s Diet that was based on blood type and told people not to exercise while on the diet. She did lose weight but along the way she was losing her hair and when she finally stopped the diet she started to regain some of her weight. She also started to have other miscellaneous body pains, so…
Boundaries are an imaginary line of protection that you draw around you. This is done to protect you, your soul and what’s important to you. Your boundaries are more important to you than they might be to others, or what others might want what you have. You cannot grow without boundaries. However, you can learn how to design, implement and manage boundaries so that the process is effortless for you and for others. Healthy people have set boundaries, both to…
Immunization is regarded in certain circles as the sacred practice of “medicine at its best” while in other circles immunization is viewed as toxic to children and people in general; highly over rated as a preventative tool that only supports Big Pharma’s agenda for profit. Well that’s a pretty wide range to consider: Prophet or profit? Preventative or pernicious? You will need to decide this for your own family so please do plenty of research with the following in mind, everything…
Attitude* is formed by three things: 1. Where you’re coming from in general. 2. How you’re looking at or interacting with something, someone, life or yourself. 3. How well you are lined up with Truth, your path, reality, goals, etc. 1. Where you’re coming from in general, so you likely fit into one of these levels: – Life is pretty good, when I do well. – Life’s not bad at all, given what I’m facing. – Listen, I just do…
Paul suffers from lower back pain and the doctors said he had a slipped disc. The lower back, the lumbar region of the spine, is the most common area where intervertebral discs will “slip” or more accurately bulge, herniate or rupture. Symptoms of lower back pain are present, with or without leg pain or numbness. Sounds serious? When the topic of spinal surgery is mentioned it becomes serious indeed. Complicated? Well it could be but fortunately there are spinal experts available to evaluate and…