David loves to push life to the limit and doesn’t have time to stop for minor soreness of the lower back area, but these episodes seem to be happening more often and lasting longer, not to mention the pain is greater now. Truth is 80 % of people suffer lower back pain sometime in their life. It could happen from a slip and fall injury, over exertion during an activity at work or sports, a gradual weakness resulting from posture…
Michel Tetrault
Martha has been complaining that her wrists hurt and that her hands were often numb. The orthopedic surgeon diagnosed a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and prescribed wrist surgery. CTS is perhaps one of the more common misdiagnosed arm conditions. The symptoms are very similar to Wrist Tendonitis and differential diagnosis is not too difficult. Certainly patients frequently misdiagnose their own problem and unfortunately so do their doctors, perhaps this happens because testing for tendonitis requires familiarity with soft tissue conditions, not very well taught in…
This June of 2013 there was a national campaign for headache awareness so Public TV set up an interview with docMIKE to discuss the topic from a non-drug approach to managing headaches. The interview took place at the Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinic in Forbes Park, Makati and the segment was aired on TV June 24, 2013. Interview in English: Interview in Tagalog: Yours in Health, docMIKE If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…
Times are tough for everyone and some of us are really struggling financially, spiritually, and emotionally. Unfortunately, these circumstances can bring out the worst in people. On the other hand, there are some who seem to flourish the harder things get. The difference is not found in the difficulty of the problems they are facing. Rather, it is found in their response to the storms ahead. Consider the following: If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…
Integrity is the word we use to describe a state of wholeness. When a person does every single thing perfectly, that is in harmony with who they really are, we say the person is a person of integrity. Moral shorthand for the word integrity is the commonly misapplied term “right vs wrong.” But it works for now. The 10 Steps To Restoring Integrity and Wholeness: If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…
Today’s social media apps really make it easy to stay connected with people of like mind and spirit. Please “Follow Me” on Twitter, the account name to follow is “docMIKE27” and permit me to explain the name. The docMIKE, letters as denoted, is the branding my friends and patients have designated to me in the early years of my establishing a professional presence in Manila, and for the slogan / stated vision as “The Touch, Art and Word of Healing” in…
Maintenance or Preventive Care?
Posted on 06/08/2013Once a person has consulted with a chiropractor and underwent a course of care that has taken them out of pain, the common question people have is: “When will I know if or when I need to return to the chiropractor?” That is an excellent question and the choices depend on your personal philosophy of life and health. If you only seek out chiropractic care for emergency drug-free pain relief and have no interest what-so-ever in prevention, then the answer…
The 7th APCDF Annual Assembly was held in Manila on January 10th , 2014, at the Diamond Hotel, Roxas Blvd. Manila. The weekend events included the APCDF Council meeting and Assembly with representatives from throughout the Asian Pacific region. Special guest was Dr. Richard Brown, Secretary-General of the European Chiropractic Union who outlined the successful history of the European Federation and how vitally important the regional federations are to the development of chiropractic in areas where the profession is small in size, as…
The definition of toleration has two different meanings: 1. to recognize and respect (i.e.: the rights, beliefs, or practices of others). 2. to allow without prohibiting or opposing; to permit (to put up with) So on one side we find that tolerating is an act of higher human quality, one of respect for one another’s differences; where we can agree to disagree. There is also the other more sinister side, the allowing of or permitting without opposing of behaviors by others…
Osteoporosis (D3 & Exercise VS Calcium and Hormones)
Posted on 05/30/2013Mary is approaching her mid 40’s and is concerned about early menopause and its related osteoporosis so she fully expects that her MD will put her on hormone replacement therapy. That’s what conventional thinking tells us right? When a woman gets above 45 she will suffer osteoporosis from menopause. What if that is not true? What if osteoporosis has mostly nothing to do with the lowered estrogen levels that causes menopause? Long-term studies show that women who were athletic as teenage girls…