Speaking with Dr. Guy Riekeman, President of Life University – the world’s largest Chiropractic College, docMIKE Tetrault proposed that an educational think tank be formed to assist poorer countries with their desire to have a Chiropractic College of their own. Until this Consortium of experts is convened to take a serious look at the challenges of starting up new schools in poorer countries, we will see much of the random results we see today in new school start-ups. This project…
Michel Tetrault
How can chiropractic care help martial artists become better? Martial arts are about fluidity, and movement, with movement comes strength and power. Chiropractic care is well known to increase joint mobility, which in case causes the body to be more relaxed. When the body is relaxed the artist is able to move better in both speed, and flexibility. Martial arts is something that pushes our bodies to the extreme limits that are far beyond the average persons tolerance. It is…
Living a long life – What it is and what it is not
Posted on 11/15/2014My 100 Year Lifestyle Coach, Dr. Eric Plasker, wrote this article I wish to share with our readers. In case you don’t know yet, I plan on living up to 100 and more. You could too. Centenarians, people who are living to 100 or more, are one of the world’s fastest growing age groups. Living to 80, 90 and above has become the norm. Will knowing that you may live a century or more lend urgency to your desire to…
We work or study hard most days of the week, then on weekends, isn’t nice to just sleep in? Yea! But sadly, most people complain that they feel groggy or worse have body pains after they oversleep on a weekend. Shouldn’t we feel better and more rested after longer sleep? Why is that? Our quality of sleep is best achieved after we have been asleep for a while and that normally takes place when we have a regular time to get to…
When bad things happen to good people we find ourselves asking: “Why me Lord?” Should illness strike it is the same feeling. Do we really suffer misfortunes in life because of bad luck or unexpected events beyond our control? Sometimes we do but mostly we are at cause by omission or commission. Fact is most unfortunate things we experience could have been avoided with better preparation, with better focus or more awareness, with appropriate and timely actions. So in a way we can…
How long do you see yourself living? 70’s? 80s? 90s? 100? The concern isn’t as much that we will live this many years but the question we have is: “What quality of life will that look and feel like?” Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics has partnered with Dr. Eric Plasker, author of the best seller, The 100 Year Lifestyle, to help bring our patients a new pinnacle of lifelong health. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…
Anti-Ageing Secret – Low Insulin Imprint
Posted on 09/27/2014Since the beginning of time people have been looking high and low, far and wide, for the secret to a long life. Scientists have studies cultures that have the longest life spans and discovered that their limited agriculture crops and their remoteness in the mountains have created an environmental advantage. The local diet consists primarily of Low Glycemic foods. This means they do not suffer from the typical chronic diseases seen in many communities in this world where Diabetes, heart…
We normally think about Probiotics after taking a course of antibiotic therapy. At least one would hope that is common knowledge simply because the antibiotic kills both harmful and friendly bacteria. One might be asking if the probiotic is safe and that is a good question. Fortunately the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality assessment of the safety of probiotics, partly funded by NCCAM, concluded that the current evidence does not suggest a widespread risk of negative side effects associated…
I grew up in Canada where winters are fierce and annual colds and flus are expected. However, now that I live in the hot and humid Philippines the frequency of colds and flus seems higher than freezing Canada. Strange isn’t it? So advice about how to take care of yourself when you experience a cold or a flu is a worthy topic for my blog… sort of a universal subject for my readers. If you liked this post, say thanks…
In coaching people into healthier thinking, many of which are trying to lose weight, I share one of my famous quotes: “Your problems are the result of doing too many of the WRONG things and not enough of the RIGHT things.” Sometimes that really sinks in and it encourages people to be more honest and deliberate about improving themselves. Sometimes I think there could be a more positive way to say the same thing. What could be more positive than…