Introducing a new Health Coach training program. Natural Alternatives Plus, Inc. is a Philippine health education and lifestyle coaching company providing individual and corporate wellness programs in Manila. The success of the programs comes from the personal health coach services provided by the Alternative Health Counselors (AHC). As you read this blog you could actually be looking at a career opportunity. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…
Michel Tetrault
There is a growing public opinion and awareness of the importance of good posture. This is not a new topic discussed here on This author has been quoted as saying: “As the Eyes are the mirror to your Soul, Posture is the mirror to your Health.” Today we can walk into a number of retail stores and find various products being sold that attest to improving one’s posture. Are they really able to do that? Truth is yes and…
With everyone spending more and more time in regular use of their gadgets chiropractors are concerned about the higher incidence of Forward Head Posture we see with our patients. In early years this can alter normal development of the spine subjecting children to Kyphosis or Kyphoscoliosis. As we open this topic I would like to point our readers to a National Posture Campaign that can provide useful tools to improve posture. The best way to make the case is to let…
Today’s cultural eating habits have been trumped and redesigned by the “Big Food Industry” which consist of the multinational companies that manipulate the world’s markets in food supply and by the growing number of fast food franchises. To speak plainly, consumers have been manipulated, their foods have been manipulated, altered and packaged to best serve to bottom line of Big Foods. One unfortunate side effect of this commercial manipulation is the rapid rise in the occurrence of Type 2 Diabetes.…
The world heard the sad news that the actor Robin Williams committed suicide one evening. Robin was a beloved actor and comedian who won the hearts and minds of millions of people throughout the world. This event sparked some serious public discussions about how commonplace it is for people to suffer from mental health problems in plain sight, by people who live perfectly normal and productive lives. They said that depression was the cause, but depression is mostly triggered by…
In the healthcare world today we find that the career trend in medicine is to push most doctors into specialty care. A specialist is someone who knows more and more about less and less, and this is all good except that when too many doctors are becoming specialists, who is going to be the family doctor? The other intended effect of medical specialization is the increase in prescription of the more expensive drugs. As much as there is a need…
What would a Chiropractor and a Dentist have in common in patient care? There is one condition that both practitioners treat but using different methods, and that condition is Temporo-Mandibular Joint disease or TMJ. How do you know if you have a TMJ problem? The jaw will be painful to touch or to chew on that side and there may be clicking sounds when you open or close the mouth. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it!…
The problem we have in searching for the proverbial fountain of youth is that we believe it is to be found in some remote, exotic location somewhere in the bowels of the earth, and that this elusive elixir has magical properties that will instantly restore our health. That is just too much Hollywood for the real world. Don’t you think? Has anyone ever found the true Fountain of Youth? Why is it that no one ever finds it? Well, maybe…
In healthcare circles there are professions that do not always see eye to eye. Chiropractic has earned the trust of the public, the healthcare agencies, the insurance industries and government programs, as a well-educated and proper healthcare disciplines.The Chiropractic focus has always been on the spine and nerves and when the general public seeks professional help they are encountering two very different philosophies of health care in this areas of service: the orthopedic surgeon and the chiropractor. If you liked…
When we think about chiropractic, one feature that does stand out is that this is a non-surgical profession; and this is a good thing! Many, far too many surgeries are done that could have been avoided; fortunately thousands have been avoided and that is to chiropractic’s credit. Conservative care is effective in solving many spine and nerve conditions that can and do respond to chiropractic methods; and more often than not, avoids the need for someone to undergo surgery. Neck…