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Chiropractor and the Dentist

What would a Chiropractor and a Dentist have in common in patient care? There is one condition that both practitioners treat but using different methods, and that condition is Temporo-Mandibular Joint disease or TMJ. How do you know if you have a TMJ problem? The jaw will be painful to touch or to chew on that side and there may be clicking sounds when you open or close the mouth. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it!…

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Chiropractor and the Orthopedic Surgeon

In healthcare circles there are professions that do not always see eye to eye. Chiropractic has earned the trust of the public, the healthcare agencies, the insurance industries and government programs, as a well-educated and proper healthcare disciplines.The Chiropractic focus has always been on the spine and nerves and when the general public seeks professional help they are encountering two very different philosophies of health care in this areas of service: the orthopedic surgeon and the chiropractor. If you liked…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health Nutritional Health Wellness, general

Chiropractic care lowers cancer death rates

In an American study on the impact in communities that have added more doctors, one interesting finding is worth mentioning for this blog community. The more chiropractors were concentrated in a community the greater the improvement for the health outcome reviews, and that comes as no surprise. What is unexpected is that, in comparison to an equal increase in other doctors that had little to no effect on cancer death rates, it was documented that for cancer deaths and increasing…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health

DC / MD Co-Managing Slipped Discs

According to the World Federation of Chiropractors the Chiropractic profession is officially identified as: “The spinal health care experts in the health care system.” Most family doctors will be familiar with the medical specialists concerned with the spine, the Orthopaedic Doctor but they will be less familiar with the Doctor of Chiropractic. This article will focus on the condition they both share expertise in… the slipped disc. The difference in approach is entirely based on the different training and basic…

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Wellness, general

RIP Jam Sebastian

It was almost exactly one year ago that I received a text from Jam that he was diagnosed with lung cancer. As his Chiropractor, he asked me if I knew of natural methods to treat cancer as he didn’t want to undergo chemotherapy and to find a less toxic way to heal from the cancer. I recommended a consultation with a couple naturopathic doctors for their advice. In his case, the cancer was already too advanced and medical care was…

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Wellness, general

Chiropractic Explained to Medical Doctors

This year I will dedicate a monthly blog to Medical Doctors (MDs) on topics related to Chiropractic that relates to their medical practices. Since Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) are educated in separate universities than medicine and that DCs do not work out of hospitals, there are few occasions for MDs to become familiar with their local DCs or Chiropractic in general for that matter. I pray this blog will reach doctors focused on caring for their patients, that they look…

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docMIKE promotes Chiropractic Education

Speaking with Dr. Guy Riekeman, President of Life University – the world’s largest Chiropractic College, docMIKE Tetrault proposed that an educational think tank be formed to assist poorer countries with their desire to have a Chiropractic College of their own. Until this Consortium of experts is convened to take a serious look at the challenges of starting up new schools in poorer countries, we will see much of the random results we see today in new school start-ups. This project…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health

Martial Arts and Chiropractic

How can chiropractic care help martial artists become better? Martial arts are about fluidity, and movement, with movement comes strength and power. Chiropractic care is well known to increase joint mobility, which in case causes the body to be more relaxed. When the body is relaxed the artist is able to move better in both speed, and flexibility. Martial arts is something that pushes our bodies to the extreme limits that are far beyond the average persons tolerance. It is…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Living a long life – What it is and what it is not

My 100 Year Lifestyle Coach, Dr. Eric Plasker,  wrote this article I wish to share with our readers. In case you don’t know yet, I plan on living up to 100 and more. You could too. Centenarians, people who are living to 100 or more, are one of the world’s fastest growing age groups.  Living to 80, 90 and above has become the norm. Will knowing that you may live a century or more lend urgency to your desire to…

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