A dear friend and fellow conservative health practitioner passed away at age 59 on Chinese New Year 2014. Rene F. Barcelona, ND (MS) was a pioneer in bringing Naturopathy to the Philippines. His heart gave out after a 20 year struggle following several years of Insulin treatment for Diabetes in his 30’s. When people die of complications of Diabetes, the predominant factor is Insulin toxicity, more than high blood sugar. It was coined Syndrome X in the 90’s. If you…
Michel Tetrault
The amazing thing about health is that it is NOT an accident, but for that matter, neither is sickness an accident. When you read this statement it should evoke both a sense of mortality and a sense of positive power that you still have the choice to be healthy Vs the choice by default to get sick. In most cases when chronic disease is the problem, preventing an individual from experiencing the full force of a fit and healthy body,…
Paul Welling is a successful businessman and that means he often takes business lunches and dinners at nice restaurants; so over the years he has become stout and a recent blood test revealed that his cholesterol was high. Naturally (actually unnaturally) the doctor prescribed a Statin drug to lower these levels. Now Paul is not a cynical person but he happens to be conservative about running to the drugstore to fill a prescription, and this was the first time he…
What would an unbiased study on chiropractors, led by a well-renowned medical doctor actually prove? Would the myths about chiropractic finally come out to prove to the chiropractic community that allopathic medicine (drugs, surgery) always come out triumphant? If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…
There is a Chiropractic Patients’ Federation of Europe (www.prochiropractic.org) that has been in existence for over a half century and people are interested in helping Asians to form their own patients’ association, starting with Filipinos. This has been requested by the leaders of the Asian Pacific Chiropractic Doctors Federation (www.apcdf.org). This forms a voluntary humanitarian organization and the founding members are launching their organization during the visit by the APCDF Council in Manila on January 10, 2014. If you liked…
Want a life that runs really smooth? A life that is not riddled with stress, drama and upsets? Truth is you can have it, but it requires personal self-management. This is a far better thing to do than just make another New Year’s resolution. What do I mean by personal management? Managing yourself, your person, properly. Yes, you have been doing that all of your adult life but somehow external things keep messing things up. Or is that really what…
Pain in the shoulder inevitably comes from the soft tissues that are damaged. These tissues are mainly ligaments, cartilage, muscle, tendons and connective tissues; occasionally from nerves, lymph nodes, blood vessels and bone. So when the correct tissues are identified the solution becomes much clearer. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…
In leg pain the soft tissues that are damaged are responsible for the pain. These tissues are mainly ligaments, hip cartilage, muscle, and tendons occasionally from nerves, blood vessels and bone. So when the correct tissues are identified the solution becomes much clearer. Naturally, the body initiates a full healing process, but often enough the healing is incomplete, leaving scar tissues and weakened structures that cause instabilities of the joints. Over time these misalignments contribute to degenerative joint disease. If…
A symptom is something that indicates the presence of something else. We know that when you step on the tail of a dog it barks in the mouth, because of the nerves. Pain or numbness in the upper extremities can be a local phenomenon but more commonly it is the result of a neck condition pinching or irritating the nerves that run down the arms to the hands. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…
A symptom is something that indicates the presence of something else. In lower back and hip pain the soft tissues that are damaged are responsible for the pain. These tissues are mainly nerves, ligaments, spinal discs, cartilage, muscle, tendons and connective tissues. Rarely does lower back pain comes from the bones except in fractures. So when the correct tissues are identified the solution becomes much clearer. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…