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Chiropractic Spinal Health

Chiropractic in the Philippines – An Introduction

Chiropractic Angel

Almost every Filipino is well aware of prioritizing dental health. Getting their teeth cleaned, managed and sometimes restored. But when it comes to spinal health, the average Pinoy is often left in the dark. “Chiropractic in the Philippines? What is that?” Sad to say, many people no longer have their teeth or the need for a Dentist any more; but, last time we looked, people always have their spine. IMAGINE… what if there were NO DENTISTS in the Philippines? What…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health

Chiropractic Focus – Scoliosis

Scoliosis may be functional or congenital

The Welling family is having a fit, they just were told by the doctor that their daughter Anna has scoliosis! What is the cause and what is the cure? There are visions of the Hunch back of Notre Dame from in the movies and yet there doesn’t seem to be much of an explanation of why and what can be done. The typical are general stretches or exercises if mild and wearing a back brace in more advanced cases; then…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Masakit ang Balikat! Paul hurt his shoulder while lifting heavy luggage during one of his business trips. Like most men, Paul thought the problem was just a minor thing. You know the expression: “Maybe it will go away.” So months later the shoulder hurt everyday with various activities. Shoulder pain is a common complaint expressed to the Doctor of Chiropractic during a spinal evaluation. Actually there are three categories of shoulder pains: Joint problems Peripheral soft tissue injuries General discomfort or tension…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health Wellness, general

Slipped Disc

Slipped Disc with Pinched Nerve

Paul suffers from lower back pain and the doctors said he had a slipped disc. The lower back, the lumbar region of the spine, is the most common area where intervertebral discs will “slip” or more accurately bulge, herniate or rupture. Symptoms of lower back pain are present, with or without leg pain or numbness. Sounds serious? When the topic of spinal surgery is mentioned it becomes serious indeed. Complicated? Well it could be but fortunately there are spinal experts available to evaluate and…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health Wellness, general

Children and Headaches

When you think about someone having a headache, you probably think of an adult. However, an increasing number of children experience chronic headaches. Chiropractic has an enviable record of locating and treating the causes of most headaches, including for children. As a parent looking for a non-drug approach to helping their children suffering with recurring headaches and Migraines needs to fully evaluate this option for their children. The National Headache Foundation in the USA estimates 60 percent of all children suffer from occasional…

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Fitness Health Spinal Health Wellness, general

Reducing Golf injuries

Golf Swing

Golf has become a power game. It’s all about power and distance. Statistically, most people drive the ball less than 200 yards, but they get a big case of ‘distance envy’ when they see the pros on television reaching 300 yards. Once they start trying to match what the pros are doing, injuries are bound to occur simply because they have not conditioned their body to swing that hard. Golf-specific training and conditioning are the best ways to improve your…

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Product Review Wellness, general

About Pillows and Mattresses

Why is this topic important to your wellbeing? Health is preserved when cells regenerate overnight. A good night sleep is essential to your health.It is true that some people may not use a pillow at all but unless there are compelling reasons otherwise, we need to sleep on just one pillow. Two or more pillows will cause the neck to lose its lordotic curve (lordosis: forward natural bending) so my advice is to lose the habit and select the one better pillow for…

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Personal Coaching Spinal Health Wellness, general

What is the Proper Sleeping Position?

As a Doctor of Chiropractic, a spinal expert, it is very common for people to ask me the question: “What’s the best sleeping position?” The short answer is to sleep on your back with some right and left side sleeping but never on your stomach. Then I hear things like: “Babies sleep on their stomach and so it must be natural to do so,” or “I just can’t sleep on my back, so I sleep on my side.”  It is…

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Fitness Health


Definition: myo·fas·ci·tis/ (-fah-si´tis) inflammation of a muscle and its fascia. Myofascitis, myofascial pain syndrome, trigger point syndrome are different words and names to describe the same clinical problem. The pain from myofascitis disorders can be disabling. Myofascial pain is usually caused by an injury of some type. It may be from sports, a fall, or an auto or work accident. Since the injury is to muscle, initial treatment is conservative. Myofascial pain never requires surgery. This condition often accompanies typical sprains and strains…

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Wellness, general

Cellular Focus on Health

Have you ever thought about what it takes to maintain healthy cells? All cells have a predetermined life cycle that we wish to support. A short support list could look like this: 1. Fertile environment: Nutrients + O2 + H2O 2. Unpolluted environment (internal) 3. Transport and Elimination system 4. Communication with the rest of the body     – Blood indirectly to the brain (molecular analysis)     – Nerves directly to the brain (Ph, temperature, foreign objects) Looking at item #1…

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