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Chiropractic Spinal Health Wellness, general

Health Focus – Doc! Fix me I am Broken

Christian Welling, an accomplished high school athlete, has encountered an acute hip injury after stumbling on the last few steps going down the stairs. The pain is excruciating! Mary his mother wall called by the school and she immediately took him to the hospital emergency room. Fortunately there was nothing broken so she next took him to the family chiropractor because she knows that a physical problem needs a physical solution. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health Spinal Health Wellness, general

Chiropractic Focus – Lordosis and Kyphosis explained

The word scoliosis is a word we have all heard before; it is the lateral bending of the spine mostly observed to the left and right and back again to form the letter ‘S’. Two other terms that you may have heard somewhere are Lordosis and Kyphosis, and these are forward bending of the spine and backward bending of the spine, respectively. At the time of birth we all have a spine shaped in a ‘C’ or in the fetal…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health Wellness, general

Wellness focus – Are your children getting enough exercise?

According to the Active Healthy Kids Canada 2012 Report Card, lack of physical activity and too much inactivity have many negative effects; while lack of exercise tops the list of the biggest concerns about kids’ health, according to a new survey of American adults. Are Filipino parents mistaken by introducing their children to screen games and fast foods? Children are more at risk of suffering health consequences of a lifestyle with a lack of physical activity that prevents optimal physical…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health

Is it Safe to Have the Spine Cracked?

Does cracking your joints hurt your joints? The answer is YES, inappropriate repetitive cracking of the joins hurts them… not because of the “crack” but because of ligament and cartilage damage. If you repeatedly crack your joints they become somewhat unstable by producing laxity in the ligaments that hold the joint together so the joint loses its stability. Stressful micro-movements of the joint make it arthritic with the cartilage deteriorating. What is that sound in the first place you ask?…

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What Causes Low Back Pain or Pelvic Pain?

David loves to push life to the limit and doesn’t have time to stop for minor soreness of the lower back area, but these episodes seem to be happening more often and lasting longer, not to mention the pain is greater now. Truth is 80 % of people suffer lower back pain sometime in their life. It could happen from a slip and fall injury, over exertion during an activity at work or sports, a gradual weakness resulting from posture…

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Chiropractic Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Maintenance or Preventive Care?

Preventive Care

Once a person has consulted with a chiropractor and underwent a course of care that has taken them out of pain, the common question people have is: “When will I know if or when I need to return to the chiropractor?” That is an excellent question and the choices depend on your personal philosophy of life and health. If you only seek out chiropractic care for emergency drug-free pain relief and have no interest what-so-ever in prevention, then the answer…

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Chiropractic Wellness, general

Philippine Chiropractic Association

Chiropractic Angel

The 7th APCDF Annual Assembly was held in Manila on January 10th , 2014, at the Diamond Hotel, Roxas Blvd. Manila. The weekend events included the APCDF Council meeting and Assembly with representatives from throughout the Asian Pacific region. Special guest was Dr. Richard Brown, Secretary-General of the European Chiropractic Union who outlined the successful history of the European Federation and how vitally important the regional federations are to the development of chiropractic in areas where the profession is small in size, as…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health

Chiropractic Focus – Asthma

Asthma Attack

When there is difficult or laborious breathing and it is not caused by an advanced lung disease such as TB or lung cancer, the most common diagnosis is Asthma, where the bronchial tubes (air pipes) close down and make normal breathing difficult. This is commonly seen in children but it can persist long into adult lives. Why do the air pipes close down? The family or ENT doctor will usually prescribe an inhaler that sends a steroid mist into the…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health

Chiropractic Focus – Neck Pain


Did you know that people have the same number of neck bones as a Giraffe? Yes it’s true. There are seven bones. In a previous blog I mentioned how the upper part of the neck is known as the “headache zone” and today we will discuss the other common problems related to misalignments of the seven bones in the neck. Pain in the neck comes from actual damage being reported to the brain in any of the tissues or structures of the…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health

Chiropractic Focus – Migraine Headaches

Migraine Headache

Christopher has been missing more school days because of his regular Migraines. There is concern over taking strong medications so the family looked into Chiropractic for an alternative solution. Migraine Headaches afflicts 8% of the population and women suffer this type of headache much more than men. Truth is a Migraine is not just a bad headache as many people think! It is a series of physiological events that occur in the body that concludes as a severe headache. Migraines…

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