Fitness Health Product Review Wellness, general

Fitness Focus – Thera-Band Rubber Tubing Exercises

Thera-BandsMany of my chiropractic patients suffer with shoulder and other extremity problems; which are present in addition or in part as the result of their spine and nerve conditions; such as spinal misalignments and related nerve entrapment or irritation. I am placing this Thera-Band Instructional Manual on my blog to refer my patients to this manual and to promote general rehabilitative health to our community.

This blog is a summary of exerts taken from the Thera-Band Instructional Manual.
If you are considering performing the Thera-Band Rubber Tubing Exercises the products are available online or at Toby’s sports outlets in the Philippines.

Recognized as the original system of progressive resistance for over 25 years, and endorsed by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), Thera-Band® elastic resistance has been proven to increase strength, mobility and function, as well as reduce joint pain. Evidence-based exercise programs utilizing Thera-Band bands and tubing rehabilitate injuries, improve the functional ability of older adults, improve athletic performance, and aid in treating many chronic diseases.

Thera-Band® resistance bands and tubing are low-cost, portable and versatile. Made of natural rubber latex, they are easily recognized by the trademark Thera-Band® colors – yellow, red, green, blue, black and silver, as well as our other colors of tan and gold. Advancing through the sequential system of progressive resistance provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. The progressive resistance levels speak of success; the colors tell you it’s Thera-Band®.

In addition to general wellness and fitness programs, elastic resistance is indicated for use in a variety of impairments:
• Resistance training for
– Postural impairments
– Motor function impairments
– Muscle performance impairments
• Stretching exercises for muscle length impairments
• Balance training for balance and gait impairments
• Cardio training for cardiorespiratory impairments
• Functional and sport-specific training for functional limitations

Thera-Band® Resistance Bands and Tubing Exercises are found on page 15 of the Thera-Band Instructional Manual, starting with shoulder conditions then arms, wrists, back, lower extremity and so forth.

Yours in Health,

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