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Wellness, general

Chiropractic Fitness Health Spinal Health Wellness, general

Chiropractic Focus – Lordosis and Kyphosis explained

The word scoliosis is a word we have all heard before; it is the lateral bending of the spine mostly observed to the left and right and back again to form the letter ‘S’. Two other terms that you may have heard somewhere are Lordosis and Kyphosis, and these are forward bending of the spine and backward bending of the spine, respectively. At the time of birth we all have a spine shaped in a ‘C’ or in the fetal…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health Wellness, general

Wellness Focus – Heat and Ice, more about

It is interesting to hear different accounts of why heat or ice is a preferred treatment modality or for home self care.We see how emergency rooms typically recommend ice for the first 48 hours after an acute injury while physical therapists always use heat during a treatment session. Most MDs will advise their patients to put heat if after 48 hours or for any chronic condition. Sports trainers use both heat and ice as needed and chiropractors have specific times…

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Fitness Health Wellness, general

Fitness focus – Exercise to lose weight and manage blood sugar

Diets Don't Work

Mary Welling has been trying to lose the weight she gained from having children. The problem she is having is with her exercise program, there isn’t one. Oh, Mary has made excellent strides in changing her eating habits after reading all about it in docMIKE’s Wellness Blogs, and she has been losing weight but it seems more and more difficult to keep the weight from returning and to continue to lose weight to the same degree as she was doing…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Focus Wellness – Brain Body Disconnect

A 50 something year old patient saw me today after suffering an aggravation of his longstanding physical problems in the lower back and neck following his “desire to return to the game” and he was talking about Basketball. You guessed right, he overdid it! As much as I encourage people to stay physically active as part of general fitness efforts, along with good eating and good sleep habits, there is often a mental game that needs a reality check. It…

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Wellness, general

Health Focus – Is Stem Cell Therapy OK?

Paul is an open-minded person when it comes to health care options. Recently he was approached to look at the benefits of Stem Cell Therapy. They claimed in fact everyone can benefit from a “World First scientifically proven Stem Cell Enhancement that supports our body’s Natural Mobilization of Stem Cell via Nutrition, that in turn supports self renewal and self-healing.” Sounds like a sales pitch and it is. But wow! Who wouldn’t want that? If you liked this post, say…

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Wellness, general

Chiropractic Focus – Degenerative Disc Rehydration

Martha had dropped her cup of tea more than once and naturally began to worry about what that meant. Her doctor had her undergo an MRI of the neck area and the results were quite shocking to her since she had so little neck complaints over the years. What was so surprising was the advanced levels of spinal disc degeneration with associated disc bulging that was there in black and grey on the MRI image and how the discs had…

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Wellness, general

Wellness Focus – Food Combining

Food Combining Chart

Most of us want to eat a balanced diet but unfortunately we think that in order to get a balanced diet we need to eat every meal with all the food groups included; that is some protein, some carbohydrates, some vegetables and some fruits. Not all foods digest at the same Ph so some food may be incorrectly combined together when eaten and therefore interfere with ideal digestion. Eating these together results in improper digestion and can cause obesity, bloating, gas, Hiatal Hernia,…

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Wellness, general

Temporo Mandibular Jaw Disorders (TMJ)

TMJ is an umbrella term covering pain and dysfunction of the muscles that move the jaw and the parts of the joints which connect the mandible (jaw bone) to the skull. The most important feature is pain, followed by restricted mandibular movement, and noises during jaw movement, like clicking or grinding. It is also associated with referred conditions affecting the Eustachian tubes of the ear, perhaps some dizziness and certain types of headaches. Dentistry has a complex approach to TMJ…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health Wellness, general

Wellness focus – Are your children getting enough exercise?

According to the Active Healthy Kids Canada 2012 Report Card, lack of physical activity and too much inactivity have many negative effects; while lack of exercise tops the list of the biggest concerns about kids’ health, according to a new survey of American adults. Are Filipino parents mistaken by introducing their children to screen games and fast foods? Children are more at risk of suffering health consequences of a lifestyle with a lack of physical activity that prevents optimal physical…

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Wellness, general

Natural Solutions for UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections)

When Mary travelled abroad she experienced something that travelers commonly get, a Urinary Tract Infection or a UTI. Unaccustomed to the hot climate, Mary forgot the importance of keeping well hydrated when one perspires a lot. When we are away from home or just plain forgetful, we can easily fall into this situation. Dehydration is a quick way to suffer a Urinary Tract Infection and the associated symptoms of painful urination, some fever, abdominal cramping, bad smelling and cloudy urine. Bacterial…

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