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Fitness Health

Fitness Health Spinal Health Wellness, general

Reducing Golf injuries

Golf Swing

Golf has become a power game. It’s all about power and distance. Statistically, most people drive the ball less than 200 yards, but they get a big case of ‘distance envy’ when they see the pros on television reaching 300 yards. Once they start trying to match what the pros are doing, injuries are bound to occur simply because they have not conditioned their body to swing that hard. Golf-specific training and conditioning are the best ways to improve your…

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Fitness Health Product Review

Custom Foot Orthotics

Custom Foot Orthotics aka Spinal Pelvic Stabilizers Normally we don’t think about getting shoe inserts but some of us have bad feet and should consider what a custom-made foot orthotic can do for you. What do I mean by bad feet? If you experience foot pain, for starters; but even if your feet don’t hurt they could cause knee or hip problems due to the poor 3-arch support our feet need to have the necessary support for the body’s frame, especially in motion.…

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Fitness Health


Definition: myo·fas·ci·tis/ (-fah-si´tis) inflammation of a muscle and its fascia. Myofascitis, myofascial pain syndrome, trigger point syndrome are different words and names to describe the same clinical problem. The pain from myofascitis disorders can be disabling. Myofascial pain is usually caused by an injury of some type. It may be from sports, a fall, or an auto or work accident. Since the injury is to muscle, initial treatment is conservative. Myofascial pain never requires surgery. This condition often accompanies typical sprains and strains…

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Fitness Health Wellness, general

Knee Care 2x2x2

The knee is a strangely designed joint, don’t you think? In part that is why so many people suffer from knee pain caused by cartilage and/or ligament deterioration. It is mainly the inflammation these cause that is responsible for the pain; the heat, swelling and pressure, the irritation, etc. Problem is that these conditions can’t just get fixed once and for all. So today I will share a simple but amazingly effective home care procedure anyone can do on their…

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Fitness Health Spinal Health Wellness, general

Shoulder Bags

School is just out for most Filipino students and just a few months away for International students here in the Philippines. During the hot summer months families can look into purchasing better school bags for the upcoming school year.  I have an online article on Back Pack Safety worth reading. You can download your own copy HERE but in this blog I will give a quick summary. The information is adopted from the American and California Chiropractic Associations. The concern really…

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Fitness Health Personal Coaching

How Active are You?

How active are you? When ever we are engaged in physical activities there is a positive health benefit; especially if the activity is repeated to increase skills and eventually personal enjoyment and satisfaction. People eventually suffer a growing list of health problems because they just never get around to developing a physicaly active lifestyle. “Things are the way things are because of the way things have been. Things need proper change for things to get better.” docMIKE Reports state that…

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