Christopher has been missing more school days because of his regular Migraines. There is concern over taking strong medications so the family looked into Chiropractic for an alternative solution. Migraine Headaches afflicts 8% of the population and women suffer this type of headache much more than men. Truth is a Migraine is not just a bad headache as many people think! It is a series of physiological events that occur in the body that concludes as a severe headache. Migraines…
Spinal Health
Almost every Filipino is well aware of prioritizing dental health. Getting their teeth cleaned, managed and sometimes restored. But when it comes to spinal health, the average Pinoy is often left in the dark. “Chiropractic in the Philippines? What is that?” Sad to say, many people no longer have their teeth or the need for a Dentist any more; but, last time we looked, people always have their spine. IMAGINE… what if there were NO DENTISTS in the Philippines? What…
The Welling family is having a fit, they just were told by the doctor that their daughter Anna has scoliosis! What is the cause and what is the cure? There are visions of the Hunch back of Notre Dame from in the movies and yet there doesn’t seem to be much of an explanation of why and what can be done. The typical are general stretches or exercises if mild and wearing a back brace in more advanced cases; then…
There are well understood benefits of getting a massage on a regular or irregular basis. However, we also hear of times when people experience pain and disability following a massage. What happened? As a chiropractor I see this often enough to be disturbed even though I can mostly fix the damages. Rarely do we hear of an adverse reaction to a massage when the therapist sticks to muscle manipulation only. Swedish massage uses effleurage (light touch), medium pressure motions over the muscles and…
Paul suffers from lower back pain and the doctors said he had a slipped disc. The lower back, the lumbar region of the spine, is the most common area where intervertebral discs will “slip” or more accurately bulge, herniate or rupture. Symptoms of lower back pain are present, with or without leg pain or numbness. Sounds serious? When the topic of spinal surgery is mentioned it becomes serious indeed. Complicated? Well it could be but fortunately there are spinal experts available to evaluate and…
Martha has been suffering from arm and hand pain and numbness with gradually increasing severity. It all began with frequent earlier neck pains and some reoccurring headaches. These are symptoms of a neck in trouble that is now pinching or irritating nerves that go into the arms and hands and / or other nerves that go from the neck up into the head. Signs to look for are limited neck movements; that is, the neck exhibits a restricted range of motion. IT’S EASY TO CHECK… Turn…
When you think about someone having a headache, you probably think of an adult. However, an increasing number of children experience chronic headaches. Chiropractic has an enviable record of locating and treating the causes of most headaches, including for children. As a parent looking for a non-drug approach to helping their children suffering with recurring headaches and Migraines needs to fully evaluate this option for their children. The National Headache Foundation in the USA estimates 60 percent of all children suffer from occasional…
Golf has become a power game. It’s all about power and distance. Statistically, most people drive the ball less than 200 yards, but they get a big case of ‘distance envy’ when they see the pros on television reaching 300 yards. Once they start trying to match what the pros are doing, injuries are bound to occur simply because they have not conditioned their body to swing that hard. Golf-specific training and conditioning are the best ways to improve your…
What is the Proper Sleeping Position?
Posted on 04/05/2013As a Doctor of Chiropractic, a spinal expert, it is very common for people to ask me the question: “What’s the best sleeping position?” The short answer is to sleep on your back with some right and left side sleeping but never on your stomach. Then I hear things like: “Babies sleep on their stomach and so it must be natural to do so,” or “I just can’t sleep on my back, so I sleep on my side.” It is…
Before we start on this subject let me explain that, although we refer to emotional suffering as pain, it is really suffering. Nerve Ending Pain is a physical thing but did you ever think that physical pain could be your friend? Well, if you think about it, we guess in some ways right? Therefore only seeking to make the pain go away without fixing the problem behind the pain raises issues of reasonable concern. What I am saying is that…