Some years ago David and Martha Welling took a trip to Belgium where they found the town of Ghent was the first town in the world to go vegetarian at least once a week. They planned a regular weekly meatless day, in which civil servants and elected councillors opted for vegetarian meals. School children also followed suit with their own veggie day. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…
Michel Tetrault
It’s one o’clock in the morning and you still haven’t fallen asleep, or it’s three o’clock in the morning and you woke up to go to the bathroom but you can’t get to sleep again. You are tired, exhausted and even frustrated! You already know that if you go to the family doctor all he will do is give you sleeping pills, so you feel stuck. Is there a better way to get a good night’s sleep? If you liked…
Every now and then I like to repeat words of wisdom I receive from my own Professional Coach, Dr. Jim Nacarrato. This is one of those straight to the point truths. Enjoy! Yours in True Life, docMIKE “Ever feel like the problems you are being asked to solve cannot be solved? The challenges you are asked to overcome cannot be overcome? Is the pain you are feeling unbearable? Do you feel like you can’t see a way out of the…
Fitness Focus – Baseball Injury Helped by Chiropractic
Posted on 07/19/2014When Chicago White Sox minor-league Greg Shepard remembers his life-altering sports injury in 2000 where he slammed into the left center field wall chasing a fly ball, let’s say his words are simple: “The wall won.” The next morning, Shepard woke up virtually paralyzed. “I couldn’t lift my body out of bed, turn my head or move my right arm,” says Shepard. Naturally, his wife at the time wanted to rush him to the emergency room straight-away. But Shepard had something else in mind. “I…
With football season every year, it’s difficult not to think about players and their injuries – especially those of the concussive kind. What you may not realize is that cheerleaders are prone to the same type of injury. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…
Fitness Focus – Basketball Injuries Helped by Chiropractic
Posted on 07/05/2014Clearly, a sport that requires tremendous power and speed will lend itself to injuries. And so it is with basketball. In fact, if you go by sheer number alone, basketball is the most injure-prone sport of any in the nation – with the latest 2010 data from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission showing its 528,584 reported injuries, topping even football’s 489,676. Sidelining hoopsters were everything from back spasm to sprained ankles. That explains why many professional teams – across…
Fitness Focus – Thera-Band Rubber Tubing Exercises
Posted on 06/21/2014Many of my chiropractic patients suffer with shoulder and other extremity problems; which are present in addition or in part as the result of their spine and nerve conditions; such as spinal misalignments and related nerve entrapment or irritation. I am placing this Thera-Band Instructional Manual on my blog to refer my patients to this manual and to promote general rehabilitative health to our community. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…
Wellness Focus – USANA Supplements
Posted on 06/14/2014It is common for a chiropractor to make dietary recommendations including micro-nutrient supplementation. Problem people run into is where to get reliable, quality food supplements in Asia when any such recommendation is made? My patients would run to the local “Health Food Store” and buy supplements but they just weren’t getting the expected results. Apparently, in Asia some companies use fillers in their products to lower their costs, and because of the lack of government oversight and enforceability on these…
“Should I drink Biguerlai Tea when I am Pregnant?’
Posted on 06/07/2014Responding to a recent post on our Blog warning people of the dangers and risks of drinking Biguerlai Tea, we received this question: “I’m 1 month pregnant, is it still safe to drink the tea?” Our response is to resend what was said in the first paragraph of our original blog:“I have to ask why do people do that… to compromise their health for a short-term weight loss goal? People seeking online for solutions to constipation can find more natural…
In the past 30 years, the prevalence of Diabetes Type 2 has skyrocketed to an epidemic level in the western world and Asia is not far behind. The WHO predicts that by the year 2020 fifty percent (50%) of Filipinos will be at risk of Diabetes type 2. What is causing the surge is not what you think; it’s not too much sugar or carbohydrates in the diet, but that is the second factor. PHYSICAL INACTIVITY is the principal reason…