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When to refer others for Chiropractic care

3rd YEAR ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL BLOG    JOIN OUR MISSION. We know you have family and friends who suffer from spine and nerve problems and that you have tried to get them to see our chiropractors for a checkup. Let’s talk about how to help you help them.When is it appropriate to refer a loved one to a chiropractor? If they experience any pain that keeps returning over months or years. If they are taking medications and have never had their spines…

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Spondylolisthesis – Chiropractic Focus

Spondylolisthesis Now that is a mouthful of 17 letters. No wonder they call this a $50 word. The term Spondylolisthesis is a scientific label or diagnosis of the condition in which one vertebral body is slipped forward over another. The condition may have started in infancy or it may be congenital. There is little to no pain in most cases until there is further instability of the spinal segments involved and the pain sensitive tissues like muscles, ligaments, nerves, cartilage and…

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Disc Rehydration – spine care

Spinal injury and a sedentary life style lead to drying out of the spinal discs because the discs are like a sponge.  They get water and nutrition from motion as they are moved and squeezed with normal everyday activity. When the disc does not move properly there is limited circulation into it.  The gel in the disc dries out, the associated ligaments, cartilage and tendons dry out, and muscles go into spasm.  Even bone degenerates.  This causes pain. If you…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Sedentary epidemic

Sedentary life-styles of today are at epidemic levels and are contributing to many neuromusculoskeletal problems as well as a principal contributor to the highest incidence of Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin resistance in history. Where will people seek help from this epidemic? Today they have two choices: the customary drugs and surgery professions OR the natural and alternative professions; chiropractors being the most formally educated of this latter group. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health

The Bookends of Fitness

At the start of a brand new year, “fitness” is the buzzword. Every year millions of people begin exercise programs with the goal of getting themselves back into shape. The 100 Year Lifestyle model incorporates an acronym into the buzzword: FitNESS. It stands for Neurology, Nutrition, Endurance, Strength and Structure. To ensure that your fitness experience is a positive one and that you reach your short and long term goals, you must consider the bookends of fitNESS. If you liked…

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Chiropractic and Acid Reflux / GERD

Don’t you have better things to do than to keep revisiting hospital emergency rooms? Acid reflux is a common condition in which stomach acid flows backward up the esophagus (the tube carries food from the mouth to the stomach), causing symptoms such as a burning feeling in the chest (heartburn) and a bitter or sour taste in the mouth. The typical medical treatment is to prescribe drugs like Nexium or Previcid that block the production of acid. Chiropractors, as spine…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health Wellness, general

Posture Aids

There is a growing public opinion and awareness of the importance of good posture. This is not a new topic discussed here on This author has been quoted as saying: “As the Eyes are the mirror to your Soul, Posture is the mirror to your Health.” Today we can walk into a number of retail stores and find various products being sold that attest to improving one’s posture. Are they really able to do that? Truth is yes and…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health

Texting and Forward Head Posture

With everyone spending more and more time in regular use of their gadgets chiropractors are concerned about the higher incidence of Forward Head Posture we see with our patients. In early years this can alter normal development of the spine subjecting children to Kyphosis or Kyphoscoliosis. As we open this topic I would like to point our readers to a National Posture Campaign that can provide useful tools to improve posture. The best way to make the case is to let…

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Chiropractor and the Psychiatrist

The world heard the sad news that the actor Robin Williams committed suicide one evening. Robin was a beloved actor and comedian who won the hearts and minds of millions of people throughout the world. This event sparked some serious public discussions about how commonplace it is for people to suffer from mental health problems in plain sight, by people who live perfectly normal and productive lives. They said that depression was the cause, but depression is mostly triggered by…

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Chiropractor and the Family Doctor

In the healthcare world today we find that the career trend in medicine is to push most doctors into specialty care. A specialist is someone who knows more and more about less and less, and this is all good except that when too many doctors are becoming specialists, who is going to be the family doctor? The other intended effect of medical specialization is the increase in prescription of the more expensive drugs. As much as there is a need…

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