All Posts By

Michel Tetrault

Wellness, general

Temporo Mandibular Jaw Disorders (TMJ)

TMJ is an umbrella term covering pain and dysfunction of the muscles that move the jaw and the parts of the joints which connect the mandible (jaw bone) to the skull. The most important feature is pain, followed by restricted mandibular movement, and noises during jaw movement, like clicking or grinding. It is also associated with referred conditions affecting the Eustachian tubes of the ear, perhaps some dizziness and certain types of headaches. Dentistry has a complex approach to TMJ…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health Wellness, general

Wellness focus – Are your children getting enough exercise?

According to the Active Healthy Kids Canada 2012 Report Card, lack of physical activity and too much inactivity have many negative effects; while lack of exercise tops the list of the biggest concerns about kids’ health, according to a new survey of American adults. Are Filipino parents mistaken by introducing their children to screen games and fast foods? Children are more at risk of suffering health consequences of a lifestyle with a lack of physical activity that prevents optimal physical…

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Wellness, general

Natural Solutions for UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections)

When Mary travelled abroad she experienced something that travelers commonly get, a Urinary Tract Infection or a UTI. Unaccustomed to the hot climate, Mary forgot the importance of keeping well hydrated when one perspires a lot. When we are away from home or just plain forgetful, we can easily fall into this situation. Dehydration is a quick way to suffer a Urinary Tract Infection and the associated symptoms of painful urination, some fever, abdominal cramping, bad smelling and cloudy urine. Bacterial…

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Wellness, general

Wellness Focus – Practical Stress Management

In my conversations with Paul, a businessman, it appears that his daily stress is at the root cause of his hypertension. Of course in today’s world doctors already have him on maintenance high blood medication but Paul was surprised to know that he could actually get off that maintenance drug routine. It’s true! People can fix the lifestyle related causes of their hypertension, but with just the right approach and best done gradually over a couple months. If you liked this post,…

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Wellness, general

Wellness focus – Gadgets disturb proper sleep

Christian is a typical socially active teenager. In today’s world that means he is now a “screenager” who spends an average of 6 – 7 hours per day looking or interacting with a technological gadget with a screen: a TV, a computer, a tablet, a cell phone, a video game. Of growing concern is the newer social media habits of leaving their gadgets turned on during the night and repeatedly having their sleep interrupted by incoming messages, tweets, etc. Sleep…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health Wellness, general

Spinal Hygiene – Tindig Diretso! Pinoy

Importance of good posture for kids

Spinal Hygiene is Chiropractic’s contribution to Public Health! Spinal Hygiene is more important than Oral Hygiene but not as well understood and not yet established in public health. Posture Screening Campaign we call: Tindig Diretso! Pinoy Mabuhay Chiropractic did thousands of spinal screenings on school children in Makati City and Bacoor Cavite, Philippines. These screenings tested advanced protocols designed to serve as Pre-Scoliosis screenings and to serve as a model for public and private schools in the Philippines to follow. If you liked…

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Chiropractic Wellness, general

Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis


Mary’s hands hurt and some times more than others, depending on how much she does things with her hands. She is wondering what type of arthritis she has. Arthritis is a word with two parts: Arthro meaning joint and ‘itis’ that is used to describe the process of inflammation in some part of the body. So arthritis is an inflammation of the joint, any joint and it can be caused by a number of things. Three most common types of arthritis…

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Fitness Health Nutritional Health Wellness, general

Wellness focus – Concerns about weight?

The dangers of obesity are a greater health risk today than smoking. How to smartly normalize your weight without dieting is a matter of making right choices and it’s all about energy maintenance and energy balance. Start by correct guidance on food choices and then guidance on energy management. It’s basic arithmetic – too much energy consumed means you gain weight while equal energy consumed to energy expended means your weight stays the same. To lose weight you have to consume less…

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Personal Coaching

Not Speaking Negatively (Speaking Positively)

Not Speaking Negatively

They say that our realities come from our thinking and since our words also come from our thinking, then words we use consistently are somewhat responsible for where we are in our lives. So this should prompt us to become more aware of the words we use, to change them when appropriate, so that we can start getting better results. What are some of the following 10 words you use far too often to get some try and get more…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health

Is it Safe to Have the Spine Cracked?

Does cracking your joints hurt your joints? The answer is YES, inappropriate repetitive cracking of the joins hurts them… not because of the “crack” but because of ligament and cartilage damage. If you repeatedly crack your joints they become somewhat unstable by producing laxity in the ligaments that hold the joint together so the joint loses its stability. Stressful micro-movements of the joint make it arthritic with the cartilage deteriorating. What is that sound in the first place you ask?…

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