GET HEALTHY AND STAY HEALTHY… Your life depends on it. An important message from docMIKE: “Get healthy and stay healthy! Your life depends on it.” The world changed when we suffered the Covid-19 world pandemic. Until that time, our role as chiropractors was to help get people out of pain and disability and improve everyone’s abilities, all the way up to improving an Olympic athlete’s peak performance. We helped OFWs that suffered back injuries to stay on the job to…
May 2020
How to set up your home office (with good posture and health in mind) We can actually start discussing post-COVID-19 realities. The uncertainties that follow has resulted in many private schools in the Philippines switching to home schooling with electronic classes and cloud assignments. The business world that has successfully switched to telecommuting during this quarantine period may also decide to to have that personnel continue to operate from home and only come to the company offices once a week.…
Nicotine deaths per year is close to 8 million 8,000,000 deaths per year reported world wide!!! What it this global pandemic caused by??? NICOTINE: (This is NOT a COVID-19 related chart) N egotiated I nternational C onspiracy O f T raffickers I nvested in N icotine E nterprises There is an annual epidemic that does not cause closures of schools, governments, businesses…