2. Respiratory Body systems are a group of tissues and organs that are designed to work together to make the body work in specific ways. Some organs are part of more than one system when they serve more than one function. Since all 10 systems are necessary for sustainable life we refer to them as Essential Systems. We will look at each system in a separate blog over the next months in chiropractic terms so our readers can see the…
April 2018
1. Neurological Body systems are a group of tissues and organs that are designed to work together to make the body work in specific ways. Some organs are part of more than one system when they serve more than one function. Since all systems are necessary for sustainable life we refer to them as Essential Systems. We will look at each system in a separate blog over the next months in chiropractic terms so our readers can see the connection…
Complaining* – an emotional cancer habit People complain about their problems and challenges. I understand their feelings. My question is this, what good comes out of complaining? Nothing! Let me explain. Complaining is an attempt to rationalize or justify one’s circumstances. Those who complain are putting their energy into convincing themselves and their listener that there is nothing they could do to change things for the better. Hogwash! Initially it is easy to have compassion for complainers. However, you will find…