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Pursuit of Health

Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Living a “Balanced” Life

Life is good… until it isn’t. When things happen, especially unexpected things, we are out of our normal order, we are disturbed, feel out of balance and for many these are stressful times. Life is out of balance! What happened? Life was strolling along just fine but then an event took place that takes us “out” of normal order. So life’s experiences tells us that we need to always maintain a balanced life. I agree that life is better when we…

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Product Review Wellness, general

About Pillows and Mattresses

Why is this topic important to your wellbeing? Health is preserved when cells regenerate overnight. A good night sleep is essential to your health.It is true that some people may not use a pillow at all but unless there are compelling reasons otherwise, we need to sleep on just one pillow. Two or more pillows will cause the neck to lose its lordotic curve (lordosis: forward natural bending) so my advice is to lose the habit and select the one better pillow for…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

About Fruits and Vegetables

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says: “Eat more fruits and vegetables.” You’ve likely heard this statement since childhood but when we ask people they confess that they only half listened since they just eat more fruit. To get the correct point across governments should amend the message to “Eat more vegetables and some fruit.” Why? Fruits are digested into simple sugars that can still contribute to obesity. Shocked? When the rate of obesity has increased 300% over the past 30 years there must be…

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Wellness, general

Cellular Focus on Health

Have you ever thought about what it takes to maintain healthy cells? All cells have a predetermined life cycle that we wish to support. A short support list could look like this: 1. Fertile environment: Nutrients + O2 + H2O 2. Unpolluted environment (internal) 3. Transport and Elimination system 4. Communication with the rest of the body     – Blood indirectly to the brain (molecular analysis)     – Nerves directly to the brain (Ph, temperature, foreign objects) Looking at item #1…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Health is Not an Accident!

Health is Not an Accident! The amazing thing about health is that it is NOT an accident, but for that matter, neither is sickness an accident. The same can be said about the health of your bank account, right? How about the health of your personal relationships? So why not be as diligent about your health? What’s the immediate take on this statement? The answer is FOCUS! Let me explain. In an earlier blog this week, “Do you ignore or…

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