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Chiropractic Spinal Health Wellness, general

Sleeping in – Good or Bad?

We work or study hard most days of the week, then on weekends, isn’t nice to just sleep in? Yea! But sadly, most people complain that they feel groggy or worse have body pains after they oversleep on a weekend.  Shouldn’t we feel better and more rested after longer sleep? Why is that? Our quality of sleep is best achieved after we have been asleep for a while and that normally takes place when we have a regular time to get to…

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Chiropractic Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Anti-aging and Activism

How long do you see yourself living? 70’s? 80s? 90s? 100? The concern isn’t as much that we will live this many years but the question we have is: “What quality of life will that look and feel like?” Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics has partnered with Dr. Eric Plasker, author of the best seller, The 100 Year Lifestyle, to help bring our patients a new pinnacle of lifelong health. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health

Fitness Focus – Baseball Injury Helped by Chiropractic

When Chicago White Sox minor-league Greg Shepard remembers his life-altering sports injury in 2000 where he slammed into the left center field wall chasing a fly ball, let’s say his words are simple: “The wall won.” The next morning, Shepard woke up virtually paralyzed. “I couldn’t lift my body out of bed, turn my head or move my right arm,” says Shepard. Naturally, his wife at the time wanted to rush him to the emergency room straight-away. But Shepard had something else in mind. “I…

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Fitness Health Wellness, general

Fitness Focus – Basketball Injuries Helped by Chiropractic

Clearly, a sport that requires tremendous power and speed will lend itself to injuries. And so it is with basketball. In fact, if you go by sheer number alone, basketball is the most injure-prone sport of any in the nation – with the latest 2010 data from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission showing its 528,584 reported injuries, topping even football’s 489,676. Sidelining hoopsters were everything from back spasm to sprained ankles. That explains why many professional teams – across…

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Chiropractic Wellness, general

Chiropractic Act of 2013 – SB 993

Chiropractic Angel

Chiropractic is a regulated profession in over 50 countries in the world but as of this writing in early May 2014 there is no Act of Congress that legislates the practice of Chiropractic in the Philippines. There has been official recognition of the profession by the Department of Health (DoH) since as early as 2002. Read more in this article I wrote last year: The Chiropractic Industry in the Philippines – Perspectives From a Chiropractor in Makati, Manila If you liked…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health Wellness, general

Who is a chiropractic patient?

“Who is a chiropractic patient or who goes to the chiropractor anyway?” Chiropractors come in all shapes and sizes as do their patients, as well as from all age groups and fields of work, from students to the aged and retired. If you haven’t had your spine checked and you live in Canada, USA or Australia you are in the minority as there is an adequate availability of chiropractors in your communities. If you live in other parts of the…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health

What causes Upper Back Pain?

People can hurt their upper back area from wrong position like watching TV or during sleep; from poor posture habits at their work station or from performing excessive fitness or sports activities. Injuries area a common cause of neck pain: vehicular injuries, sports injuries, and some work injuries. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health Wellness, general

Chiropractic Focus – Why Chiropractic maintenenace care makes sense

Mary just saw her chiropractor for her regular maintenance visit and was having a lunch with her friend, Stella. She explained that she had been doing this for years following her initial course of spinal correction, going about 4 to 5 times a year some years and then 10 to 12 times other years, depending on how life goes. So her friend asked her: “Why do you undergo Chiropractic maintenance? Didn’t the doctor fix you the first time?” A simple…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health Wellness, general

Wellness focus – Introducing the Stress Massage

I treated myself to a new massage experience at Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics, located in Las Pinas / Alabang, offering an advanced “stress massage” in their SM Southmall clinic, to help people reduce their stress and to introduce the connection between spine and nerves, between posture and general health. It only took 30 minutes for the therapist to focus on massaging the back and neck, apparently stimulating nerves at their spinal root; then focusing on the hands and feet, the next nerve…

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