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There are some individuals who are destined into their life’s work and docMIKE is such an individual. After personally experiencing the disabling effects of a spinal injury and finding recovery through Chiropractic, following years of mismanagement by allopathic medicine, Michel Yves Tetrault entered an 8 year formal course of university toward the final degree as Doctor of Chiropractic, graduating suma cum laude in 1979.
The lessons learned on the “Wellness” topic come from a long and active holistic practice and from exposure to both scientific studies and traditional healing encountered from travels to over 30 countries in all continents; frequently being published with a propensity for educating people and an analytic mind that simply won’t quit; the outcome is an individual with a creative master mind affectionately known as docMIKE, Manila’s Wellness Guru and Chiropractor in Makati, Philippines.
Favorite Quotes:“There are no problems in life… just lots of solutions.” “Things are the way things are because of the way things have been. Things need proper change for things to get better.” Wellness and Chiropractic solutions for a better individual life and a better world through drugless care."
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