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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

What are natural solutions for a Lipoma?

What are natural solutions for a Lipoma? Ever feel a lump under the skin and worried if it was cancer or a tumor? Well that is exactly what Paul Welling had feared. Having undergone years of perfectly normal annual check ups, Paul was told he had a small lump growing on his back. Alarmed he underwent some checks and was relieved to hear that there were no signs of cancer and this it was just a lipoma. So what was…

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Wellness, general

Colds & Flu – Natural Solutions

I grew up in Canada where winters are fierce and annual colds and flus are expected. However, now that I live in the hot and humid Philippines the frequency of colds and flus seems higher than freezing Canada. Strange isn’t it? So advice about how to take care of yourself when you experience a cold or a flu is a worthy topic for my blog… sort of a universal subject for my readers. If you liked this post, say thanks…

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Wellness, general

Remembering Dr. Rene Barcelona

A dear friend and fellow conservative health practitioner passed away at age 59 on Chinese New Year 2014. Rene F. Barcelona, ND (MS) was a pioneer in  bringing Naturopathy to the Philippines. His heart gave out after a 20 year struggle following several years of Insulin treatment for Diabetes in his 30’s. When people die of complications of Diabetes, the predominant factor is Insulin toxicity, more than high blood sugar. It was coined Syndrome X in the 90’s. If you…

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Fitness Health Nutritional Health Spinal Health Wellness, general

Osteoporosis (D3 & Exercise VS Calcium and Hormones)


Mary is approaching her mid 40’s and is concerned about early menopause and its related osteoporosis so she fully expects that her MD will put her on hormone replacement therapy. That’s what conventional thinking tells us right? When a woman gets above 45 she will suffer osteoporosis from menopause. What if that is not true? What if osteoporosis has mostly nothing to do with the lowered estrogen levels that causes menopause? Long-term studies show that women who were athletic as teenage girls…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

Nutritional Supplements

The Wellings live in a major urban center and unfortunately their city is one of the most polluted cities on the planet (no joke). Normally, if a person lives right with healthy food and regular exercise habits it is reasonable to expect that they can get by without having to take food supplements to stay healthy. That is not the case when a family lives where they are exposed to daily pollution. There are three reasons why we almost all need…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

About Fruits and Vegetables

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says: “Eat more fruits and vegetables.” You’ve likely heard this statement since childhood but when we ask people they confess that they only half listened since they just eat more fruit. To get the correct point across governments should amend the message to “Eat more vegetables and some fruit.” Why? Fruits are digested into simple sugars that can still contribute to obesity. Shocked? When the rate of obesity has increased 300% over the past 30 years there must be…

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Wellness, general

Weight Loss: The Tripod Rule

A tripod is a very stable foundation, ask any photographer. Now when it comes to weight loss this concept becomes very important, as explained later, when the focus moves away from just losing weight to normalizing your metabolism and then eventually normalizing your weight. People struggle to lose weight by eating less or exercising more, by drinking herbals or taking medicine or even hormone injections, and lastly even surgery. The focus is placing concern on the weight and not the…

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