Chiropractic Spinal Health Wellness, general

Health Focus – Doc! Fix me I am Broken

falling_down_stairs Christian Welling, an accomplished high school athlete, has encountered an acute hip injury after stumbling on the last few steps going down the stairs. The pain is excruciating! Mary his mother wall called by the school and she immediately took him to the hospital emergency room. Fortunately there was nothing broken so she next took him to the family chiropractor because she knows that a physical problem needs a physical solution.

Christian was already worried he would be dropped from the sports team and quickly proclaimed to his chiropractor: “Doc! Fix me I am broken. I gotta stay on my team.”Injuries have more than just physical aspects to them, don’t they? The pain, the costs, the disability, lost productivity, the social impact, etc. When accepting to treat a patient for an acute problem there are the immediate needs to manage the condition, but there is also the need to follow through so the current condition doesn’t become a problem in the future. Dealing with a teenager, or an adult who thinks or acts like a teenager, to make them conscious of the future impacts of their injury is an all-too-common challenge for healthcare practitioners. When the pain is gone… so is the patient. In fact, people frequently tolerate smaller problems until they inevitably become intolerable and when they get relief, or it becomes tolerable again, they stop care. We call this a reactive personality, in contract to a pro-active personality. This is nothing new to most folks and re-educating patients and informing the public about becoming more pro-active is part of a natural, holistic based clinical practice. What makes chiropractic so valuable to the community is that the professional training is designed to form a practitioner who is infused with a foundation in vitalistic and naturalistic constructs. This creates a professional with a deep understanding and confidence in the natural processes that patients undero to reach beyond just the relief phaze of care. So when someone tells me: “Doc, fix me!” the conversation has to move this person toward a more pro-active mindset, if possible. Lesson here is to see yourself becoming less reactive about your health. Who knows? It could spill over in other areas of your life. 🙂 Yours in Health docMIKE

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  • Reply
    Epifanio Salita
    07/08/2017 at 12:26 pm

    Your you tube video help me alot in understanding chiropractor. I will visit your office one of these days. A year ago, i had cervical herniated dics. I tried acupuncture for six months andmy condition did improve. I cannow walk without loosing my balance and without neck pain. But my problem ismyhands are weak andsometimes tingling. My legs musckes are weak but no pain.My lower back ache only when i ambending or if i am not standingstraight. I work in the office.i always standevery 20 munutes and exerciseby walking and pushups. My acupuncturist told me my spine is not straight. I amafraidof hearing bonescracking during chiropractic session. Please advise.


    • Reply
      07/10/2017 at 11:01 pm

      Dear Epifanio, it is good to hear that these blogs and videos present new options for you and your family to consider. You are describing signs of nerve interference that result from spinal misalignments. These are mechanical problems that require a mechanical solutions. There may be a role that Acupuncture can provide in a drug-less alternative, but only a chiropractor can properly assess and remove the spinal lesions, the vertebral subluxations or misalignments that cause nerve interference. You may be another chiropractic success story and you are welcome to tell that story with us at a later time. Yours in Health, docMIKE

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