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Fitness Health Wellness, general

Knee Care 2x2x2

The knee is a strangely designed joint, don’t you think? In part that is why so many people suffer from knee pain caused by cartilage and/or ligament deterioration. It is mainly the inflammation these cause that is responsible for the pain; the heat, swelling and pressure, the irritation, etc. Problem is that these conditions can’t just get fixed once and for all. So today I will share a simple but amazingly effective home care procedure anyone can do on their…

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Fitness Health Personal Coaching

How Active are You?

How active are you? When ever we are engaged in physical activities there is a positive health benefit; especially if the activity is repeated to increase skills and eventually personal enjoyment and satisfaction. People eventually suffer a growing list of health problems because they just never get around to developing a physicaly active lifestyle. “Things are the way things are because of the way things have been. Things need proper change for things to get better.” docMIKE Reports state that…

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