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sports injuries

Chiropractic Fitness Health

Sports and Chiropractic Care

Sports and Chiropractic Care Life is great when you can enjoy your favorite activities and sports is a common activity of interest for so many people. Unfortunately, there are times when these sports related activities cause you injury. As a result, either immediately or gradually – you’re unable to continue enjoying your sport because of injuries that did not heal. Sort of insult over injury. Nature has a great capacity for healing; however, there are times when interventions are necessary,…

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Wellness, general

Leg pain and the Piriformis Syndrome

Leg pain and the Piriformis Syndrome Slipped disks, pinched nerves and misaligned vertebra or twisted pelvis are commonly associated with leg pain. The one cause that is often overlooked is the Piriformis Syndrome. Often, when a patient presents themselves to a doctor with this kind of leg pain the examination is limited to the lumbar spine. Big mistake! The pelvis is frequently involved either directly or indirectly as a complicating factor in leg pain conditions; and this includes the piriformis…

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Chiropractor and the Orthopedic Surgeon

In healthcare circles there are professions that do not always see eye to eye. Chiropractic has earned the trust of the public, the healthcare agencies, the insurance industries and government programs, as a well-educated and proper healthcare disciplines.The Chiropractic focus has always been on the spine and nerves and when the general public seeks professional help they are encountering two very different philosophies of health care in this areas of service: the orthopedic surgeon and the chiropractor. If you liked…

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Fitness Health Wellness, general

Heat – Ice – Heat

In an earlier blog we discussed if you should use heat or ice for self-care and for first aid. Believe it or not there are times when you should be BOTH heat and ice. Interesting eh? In general, muscles benefit from increased circulation to heal by applying some heat (not too much) or massaging the muscle. This increases the blood flow to th muscles. Also, when there is a painful joint, the body best benefits from the use of ice, both…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health

Fitness Focus – Baseball Injury Helped by Chiropractic

When Chicago White Sox minor-league Greg Shepard remembers his life-altering sports injury in 2000 where he slammed into the left center field wall chasing a fly ball, let’s say his words are simple: “The wall won.” The next morning, Shepard woke up virtually paralyzed. “I couldn’t lift my body out of bed, turn my head or move my right arm,” says Shepard. Naturally, his wife at the time wanted to rush him to the emergency room straight-away. But Shepard had something else in mind. “I…

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