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allergic rhinitis


Children and Chiropractic Care

Children and Chiropractic Care  Child development markers are critical for lifelong health and pediatricians are tasked to monitor children for abnormalities in development. Chiropractors perform a critical specialist role in spinal development such as scoliosis. There are severe deforming cases of scoliosis and there are functional cases. Chiropractic brings a depth of expertise that prevents the need for spinal surgery and provides true preventive health services for children. Spinal misalignments begin for most people during childhood. The active life of…

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Chiropractic Wellness, general

Sinusitis: Non-surgical & Non-drug Options

sinuses of the face

Mary suffers from sinusitis since her college years. Sinus pressure, sinus headaches, allergic rhinitis describe pain conditions caused by an abnormal increase in sinus fluids and the resulting increased pressure it produces in the sinus cavities of the skull and subsequent post nasal drip. The fluids can become inflamed and produce refered headaches or become infected and the inflammation with accompanying pressure may also cause a headache and/or spread the infection in the throat and lungs. Mary was prescribed antihistamine medications and analgesics for…

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