Wellness, general

Chiropractic Patient Federation of Asia

cpfap There is a Chiropractic Patients’ Federation of Europe (www.prochiropractic.org) that has been in existence for over a half century and people are interested in helping Asians to form their own patients’ association, starting with Filipinos. This has been requested by the leaders of the Asian Pacific Chiropractic Doctors Federation (www.apcdf.org). This forms a voluntary humanitarian organization and the founding members are launching their organization during the visit by the APCDF Council in Manila on January 10, 2014.

The President of the Chiropractic Patients’ Federation of Europe, Ann-Liss Taarup wrote these encouraging words in October, 2013:  “Dear Friends, What wonderful news. I am thrilled to hear you are promoting an Asian Chiropractic Patient Association. Here in Europe we are very engaged in establishing 5 more associations, as we had 9, but now 14 to enter into European Patient Forum – which is a very big organization with more than 56 European Patient Associations under their umbrella organization that is and funded by the EU and many firms. I enclose information and perhaps it can be of some use. This is just a short note to let you know how much I appreciate your news and I will follow-up with suggestions for a possible meeting. All the best – we keep in touch Ann-Liss”

Since November 2013 there have been a number of founders meetings to help prepare the way for the patient federation in Manila with many more planned for the coming year. The principal focus will be to get organized and to build membership from as many chiropractic clinics as possible; to promote the establishment of a chiropractic college in each Asian country; to focus on some public health themes such as posture awareness and locally to rally behind the passing of the Chiropractic Act still lingering in the Philippine Senate since 2008. In the absence of a viable chiropractic profession in a country the people suffer greater disabilities, have more frequent hospitalizations, more surgeries that can be avoided by effective conservative care and they pay increasingly higher costs of medications.

Chiropractic brings a new dimension of healthcare available to so many other countries, but under serviced in Asia. Those individuals and families fortunate enough to have been exposed to and benefited from chiropractic wish that their fellow Filipinos have the same opportunity for their families.

The formation of a Chiropractic Patients’ Federation Asia is the start of an advocacy that is desperately needed in this region of the world.

God bless its founders and their work.

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