Spinal Health Wellness, general

Exercises at Home to Keep Your Spine Healthy

Exercises at Home to Keep Your Spine Healthy

Today. March 24, 2020 most nations have implemented some level of stay-at-home quarantine. Other nations have imposed a travel ban to reduce contamination spreading  from people contact. So, it is safe to say most readers today would be reading this from home. This is a short blog post to introduce one of docMIKEblog’s longstanding home exercises that target’s posture.

Staying at home means you are less physically active and likely doing a lot of sitting and if you are honest with yourself, not always in the best posture positions. So we get stiff and even sore from the lack of movement. You can follow this link and download our Straighten Up posture exercise sheet. Print it out, save in on your phone or tablet and even share it to everyone you know since it is in a PDF format to make that easy.

Click here: Exercises at Home to Keep Your Spine Healthy

Get Healthy and stay healthy, says docMIKE!

Yours in Real Health,

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